Forefather example sentences

Related (5): ancestor, predecessor, progenitor, forebear, antecedent

"Forefather" Example Sentences

1. The Constitution was written by our forefathers.
2. They fought for the rights that our forefathers bestowed upon us.
3. Our forefathers fought for our freedom and independence.
4. The customs and traditions were passed down from our forefathers.
5. We owe a debt of gratitude to our forefathers for their sacrifices.
6. The wisdom of our forefathers lives on in our laws and principles.
7. The spirit of our forefathers still guides us today.
8. We are the heirs of our forefathers' dreams and labors.
9. Their hard work and sacrifice allowed us many opportunities that our forefathers lacked.
10. Our forefathers had the foresight and wisdom to create this great nation.
11. We must honor the vision of our forefathers.
12. Many of our modern luxuries would amaze our hardworking forefathers.
13. The stories and history of our forefathers provide wisdom for future generations.
14. Her family traces its lineage back to the settlers who came over on the Mayflower, making her forefathers some of the earliest colonial settlers.
15. The forefathers of our country laid the foundation of democracy for future generations.
16. I come from a long line of resilient forefathers who endured many hardships.
17. She took pride in the noble deeds of her forefathers.
18. Their wisdom and values were passed down from generation to generation by our forefathers.
19. We owe our good lives and prosperity to the vision and labor of our forefathers.
20. His dreams sprang from the dreams of his immigrant forefathers.
21. The land we call home was earned and shaped by our pioneering forefathers.
22. Our forefathers would be amazed and inspired by the progress we have made.
23. The founders and forefathers of our religion left an enduring legacy of wisdom and teachings.
24. Her forefathers fought valiantly in many wars to defend their country's honor.
25. The forefathers of this new nation had a vision of liberty and justice for all.
26. Learning about our nation's forefathers inspires patriotism in today's youth.
27. Our forefathers were simple folk who believed in hard work and self-reliance.
28. He admired the fortitude and pioneering spirit of his Norwegian forefathers.
29. The forefathers of science built the foundation our modern knowledge rests upon.
30. The injustices experienced by her forefathers still shape her community today.
31. We celebrate the many sacrifices of our patriotic forefathers.
32. The forefathers of our nation crafted the Constitution to ensure democracy and liberty.
33. His forefathers had lived on that land for generations.
34. We must cherish and protect the ideals handed down by our forefathers.
35. Through study and reflection, we gain wisdom from our forefathers.
36. The progress made in recent generations would astonish our hardworking colonial forefathers.
37. The stories and histories passed down from her Palestinian forefathers shaped her cultural identity.
38. Her revolutionary forefathers fought against British tyranny to create a new nation.
39. Their descendants must honor the courage and vision of their Jewish forefathers.
40. We owe a debt of gratitude to our veteran forefathers.
41. The legacy of his forefathers shaped his very identity and worldview.
42. The ancient wisdom of our forefathers continues to guide us today.
43. Her Scottish forefathers helped pioneer the settlement of what would become the United States.
44. The rights we enjoy today have been handed down from our democratic forefathers.
45. Our forefathers fought tyranny so that we could enjoy liberty.
46. Their descendants carry on the spirit and ingenuity of their entrepreneurial forefathers.
47. We have a responsibility to uphold the values cherished by our forefathers.
48. Many trace their family lineage back to noble or legendary forefathers.
49. The paintings handed down from his Russian forefathers were priceless works of art.
50. The culture and traditions of her native people sprang from the wisdom of their forefathers.
51. The Constitution was crafted by wise and visionary forefathers.
52. They created a legacy that future generations inherited from their industrious forefathers.
53. Our democratic system of governance sprang from the visions of our founding forefathers.
54. The culture and beliefs of his Hasidic forefathers shaped his faith and religious views.
55. Her African forefathers endured centuries of hardship and injustice.
56. The land was passed down through many generations from his Welsh forefathers.
57. We depend on the legacy of wisdom left to us by our philosophical forefathers.
58. The courage of our forefathers enabled our personal freedoms today.
59. His ancestors and forefathers hailed from the Breton region of France.
60. They literally walked in the footsteps of their pioneering forefathers.

Common Phases

1. The forefathers of our nation
2. Our founding forefathers
3. Descendants of our forefathers
4. Follow in the footsteps of our forefathers
5. Honor the legacy of our forefathers
6. Cherish the values of our forefathers
7. The wisdom of our forefathers
8. Learn from the lessons of our forefathers
9. Inherit the dreams of our forefathers
10. Uphold the visions of our forefathers
11. Trace their lineage back to noble forefathers
12. The sacrifices of our forefathers
13. The spirits of our forefathers
14. Continue the legacy of our forefathers
15. Walk in the footsteps of our forefathers

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