Foresightedly example sentences

Related (7): wisely, prudently, shrewdly, sagely, astutely, cunningly, intelligently.

"Foresightedly" Example Sentences

1. Foresightedly, she invested in the stock market and earned substantial profits.
2. The CEO foresightedly anticipated the future needs of the company and acted accordingly.
3. He foresightedly predicted the outcome of the election months before it happened.
4. She acted foresightedly and hired a lawyer to review the contract before signing it.
5. Foresightedly, the government set aside funds for disaster relief before the hurricane hit.
6. The team leader foresightedly prepared for the busy season by hiring extra staff.
7. He foresightedly planned for retirement by saving a portion of every paycheck.
8. The business owner foresightedly expanded the company into international markets.
9. Foresightedly, she took measures to protect her personal information from identity theft.
10. The city council foresightedly invested in public transportation to reduce traffic congestion.
11. She foresightedly purchased a home in an up-and-coming neighborhood that increased in value.
12. Foresightedly, the school district implemented a technology infrastructure to support online learning during the pandemic.
13. The police department foresightedly trained officers in de-escalation tactics to reduce use of force incidents.
14. He foresightedly developed a contingency plan to deal with unexpected setbacks in his business.
15. The government foresightedly implemented a healthcare system that provided access to all citizens.
16. Foresightedly, the homeowner installed hurricane shutters to protect the property from storm damage.
17. She foresightedly purchased a second car in case one broke down or was in the shop.
18. The company foresightedly invested in renewable energy sources to reduce its carbon footprint.
19. He foresightedly scheduled routine maintenance to prevent equipment failures and downtime.
20. Foresightedly, the airline offered refunds to passengers whose flights were cancelled due to weather conditions.
21. The real estate agent foresightedly advised clients to invest in properties near public transportation.
22. She foresightedly invested in a diverse portfolio of stocks to mitigate risk.
23. The entrepreneur foresightedly pursued a niche market that had little competition.
24. Foresightedly, the hospital increased the number of ICU beds to prepare for a potential surge in patients.
25. The teacher foresightedly developed lesson plans that could be adapted for both in-person and virtual learning.
26. He foresightedly took out a home equity loan to finance renovations.
27. Foresightedly, the restaurant implemented contactless ordering and payment systems during the pandemic.
28. The filmmaker foresightedly secured distribution deals to reach a wider audience.
29. She foresightedly purchased earthquake insurance in a high-risk area.
30. The corporation foresightedly established a social responsibility program to give back to the community.

Common Phases

1. Foresightedly planning for the future; considering potential outcomes before making decisions.
2. Foresightedly investing in long-term growth opportunities; anticipating changes in the market.
3. Foresightedly implementing sustainable practices; anticipating the impact of current actions on future generations.
4. Foresightedly developing contingency plans; preparing for potential risks and challenges.
5. Foresightedly prioritizing innovation and creativity; anticipating future trends and opportunities.

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