Forwardsward example sentences
forward (adverb) · forwards (adverb)
- in the direction that one is facing or traveling; toward the front:
- in or toward the bow or nose of a ship or aircraft.
- in the normal order or sequence:
- onward so as to make progress; toward a successful conclusion:
- into a position of prominence or notice:
- toward the future; ahead in time:
- to an earlier time:
- directed or facing toward the front or the direction that one is facing or traveling:
- positioned near the enemy lines:
- situated in or toward the bow or nose of a ship or aircraft:
- (of a voltage applied to a semiconductor junction) in the direction which allows significant current to flow.
- relating to or concerned with the future:
- moving or tending onward to a successful conclusion:
- developing or acting earlier than expected or required; advanced or precocious:
- (of a person) bold or familiar in manner, especially in a presumptuous way:
- an attacking player in basketball, hockey, or other sports.
- an offensive or defensive lineman.
- short for forward contract
- send (a letter or email) on to a further destination:
- hand over or send (an official document):
- dispatch or send (a document or goods):
- help to advance (something); promote: