1. Fraxinus excelsior is a species of flowering plant in the olive family Oleaceae.
2. Fraxinus is a genus of flowering plants in the olive and lilac family, Oleaceae.
3. The bark of Fraxinus is smooth and gray in young trees, becoming rough and furrowed with age.
4. Fraxinus ornus, also known as the Manna Ash, is a species of Fraxinus native to southern Europe.
5. Fraxinus nigra, commonly known as Black Ash, is a species of Fraxinus native to the eastern United States and Canada.
6. Fraxinus americana, commonly known as White Ash, is a species of Fraxinus native to the eastern United States and Canada.
7. Fraxinus pennsylvanica, commonly known as Green Ash, is a species of Fraxinus native to the eastern United States and Canada.
8. Fraxinus velutina, commonly known as Velvet Ash, is a species of Fraxinus native to the southwestern United States and northern Mexico.
9. Fraxinus quadrangulata, commonly known as Blue Ash, is a species of Fraxinus native to the eastern United States and Canada.
10. Fraxinus excelsior is a large deciduous tree, growing up to 30 m tall with a broad, rounded crown.
11. Fraxinus excelsior has smooth grey bark, often with a greenish tinge, becoming furrowed with age.
12. Fraxinus excelsior has opposite, pinnately compound leaves with 7-13 leaflets, each leaflet 3-7 cm long and 1-3 cm broad.
13. Fraxinus excelsior has small flowers in dense clusters, each flower yellow, with a four-lobed calyx.
14. Fraxinus excelsior has winged fruits, each fruit 2-3 cm long, containing a single seed.
15. Fraxinus excelsior is widely cultivated as an ornamental tree, for its attractive foliage and form.
16. Fraxinus excelsior is also an important timber tree, used for furniture, flooring, and other wood products.
17. Fraxinus excelsior is an important food source for many species of insects, birds, and mammals.
18. Fraxinus excelsior is susceptible to many pests and diseases, including ash dieback, which is a serious threat in Europe.
19. Fraxinus excelsior is a popular choice for bonsai, as it is relatively easy to train and shape.
20. Fraxinus excelsior is also used as a street and park tree in many cities and towns.