Freckly example sentences

Related (7): spotted, dappled, speckled, sprinkled, flecked, stippled, peppered

"Freckly" Example Sentences

1. The freckly boy smiled at me.
2. Her freckly arms and face glowed in the sunshine.
3. The freckly redhead sat under an open window.
4. The freckly girl hid her face behind her straw hat.
5. His freckly face lit up when he saw me.
6. I could see her freckly shoulders poking out from under her shirt.
7. The freckly kid waved at me from across the playground.
8. Her freckly nose wrinkled up when she laughed.
9. The freckly child loved to play outside on sunny days.
10. The freckly teenager self-consciously avoided the beach in summer.
11. Her tan skin was dotted with freckly spots.
12. I ruffled the freckly hair of my nephew.
13. The freckly cowboy tipped his hat and smiled.
14. The summer sun brought out her freckly complexion.
15. The freckly orange tabby cat sprawled in the sunshine.
16. The freckly young man flashed a winning grin.
17. Everyone always commented on my freckly skin.
18. I could see his freckly knee poking out of a hole in his jeans.
19. The freckly man sat under the shade of an oak tree.
20. The freckly girl bashfully tucked her hair behind her ear.
21. Her freckly cheeks dimpled when she laughed.
22. The freckly siblings looked so alike.
23. His freckly hands grasped the baseball mitt.
24. The freckly puppy pounced on the fallen leaves.
25. The freckly dancer spun gracefully across the stage.
26. I ruffled her freckly hair and handed her an ice cream cone.
27. Her freckly complexion reminded me of summers past.
28. The freckly toddler reached for her mother's hand.
29. The freckly tourist shielded his eyes from the bright sun.
30. The freckly child dashed around the backyard.
31. Her freckly legs dangled from the branches of an old oak tree.
32. His freckly toes poked out of his holey sneakers.
33. The freckly surfer caught a wave and rode it into shore.
34. I could see her freckly shoulders poking out from under her sundress.
35. Her freckly skin darkened in the afternoon light.
36. The freckly puppy yipped and danced around my feet.
37. The freckly teenager hid behind a pair of sunglasses.
38. The freckly baby giggled as I bounced him on my knee.
39. The freckly jackrabbit dashed across the dusty road.
40. The freckly owl gazed at me from its perch in the tree.
41. His freckly knuckles turned white as he gripped the handlebars.
42. The freckly athlete rubbed the chalk on her hands.
43. The freckly poet tapped his pencil against his lips.
44. The freckly farmer lugged a bale of hay into the barn.
45. The freckly palomino whinnied softly from its stall.
46. The freckly girl hid behind the sporting stands.
47. The freckly toddler reached up his chubby arms to be picked up.
48. The freckly comedian made the audience roar with laughter.
49. The freckly kitten played with a ball of yarn.
50. The freckly bunny nibbled on a carrot.

Common Phases

1. The freckly boy sat on the grass.
2. She had a warm smile and freckly cheeks.
3. Her freckly arms were exposed in her sleeveless sundress.
4. The sun brought out the freckles on her freckly nose.
5. The redheaded girl had a freckly face.
6. His freckly skin made him look younger than his age.
7. The Irishman had freckly skin and reddish hair.
8. She rubbed sunscreen on her freckly shoulders before going to the beach.
9. The girl looked up at me with her freckly face and big smile.
10. Freckly children in sun hats played in the sprinklers on the lawn.
11. Summer weather turned her usually pale skin freckly.
12. She tried covering up her freckly arms but to no avail.
13. He pulled down his shirt sleeves to hide his freckly forearms.
14. The boys laughed and pointed at the girl's freckly legs.
15. Summer holidays always left her arms and face freckly.
16. Even as he aged, his skin remained freckly.
17. I have always been self-conscious of my freckly complexion.
18. Freckly knees peeked out from under the hem of her dress.
19. Playing in the sun all summer left his little nose freckly.
20. His freckly complexion matched his cheerful personality.
21. Her freckly arms swung as she walked down the beach.
22. The child's freckly cheeks dimpled when he smiled.
23. He hid his freckly hands in his pockets.
24. The little boy with the red hair and freckly face looked so innocent.
25. His freckly legs hung over the edge of the dock.
26. The freckly Irishman lifted a pint of beer to his lips.
27. The freckly teenager left the beach for some sun relief.
28. She hid her face from the boys, embarrassed by her freckly complexion.
29. The freckly baby giggled and cooed in his mother's arms.
30. She forgot her self-consciousness and ran happily, freckly arms extended.
31. Summer caused my usually pale skin to become freckly.
32. Freckly shoulders poked out from her tank top.
33. The child's freckly nose and cheeks scrunched up when he laughed.
34. Her freckly hands wiped away the tears on her cheeks.
35. Even at her age, her skin still became freckly during summer.
36. The freckly girl's hair shone red in the sunlight.
37. He tried to hide his freckly chest under his t-shirt.
38. Her freckly cheeks still looked rosy in the evening light.
39. The girl's freckly fingers moved deftly over the harp strings.
40. He kissed her freckly shoulder before wrapping his arms around her waist.
41. The freckly, ginger cat was dozing in a patch of sunlight.
42. The baby's freckly toes wiggled beneath his socks.
43. Her freckly complexion stood out against the white sand.
44. The boy ran up and hugged me, his freckly face shining.
45. The freckly ginger stood in the corner of the living room.
46. My freckly palms gripped the handlebars tightly.
47. The elderly woman's face was still freckly despite her age.
48. Her freckly arms and legs sprouted bright red hairs.
49. I smiled at her freckly face in the mirror.
50. The freckly ginger cat wound itself around my legs.
51. The sun brought out freckles on her small, freckly nose.
52. He was always shy about his freckly face and arms.
53. The sea breeze ruffled her freckly hair.
54. His freckly hands clenched into fists.
55. The little girl smiled up at me, her freckly face framed by red pigtails.
56. The child's freckly cheeks dimpled when she laughed.
57. The freckly kitten playfully attacked her feet.
58. His freckly nose wrinkled up when he laughed.
59. The freckly garden gnome sat in the sunshine.
60. They said my freckly complexion made me look younger.

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