Fretish example sentences

Related (12): obsessive, fixated, compulsive, neurotic, anxious, worried, troubled, disturbed, concerned, uneasy, unsettled, perturbed.

"Fretish" Example Sentences

1. Her fretish for cleanliness made her clean the house every day.
2. The teacher's fretish for punctuality made him deduct marks for being late.
3. His fretish for order made him arrange his books alphabetically.
4. Her fretish for chocolate made her crave it every day.
5. The manager's fretish for productivity made him push his employees to work harder.
6. His fretish for perfectionism made him spend hours editing his work.
7. Her fretish for fashion made her spend a lot of money on clothes.
8. The designer's fretish for symmetry made him make sure everything was perfectly balanced.
9. His fretish for routine made him do the same thing every day.
10. Her fretish for organization made her label everything in her house.
11. The chef's fretish for presentation made him spend time arranging the food on the plate.
12. His fretish for fitness made him work out every day.
13. Her fretish for hygiene made her wash her hands constantly.
14. The investor's fretish for risk management made him only invest in low-risk stocks.
15. His fretish for time management made him schedule every minute of his day.
16. Her fretish for travel made her go on a trip every month.
17. The artist's fretish for detail made him spend hours on a single painting.
18. His fretish for personal space made him avoid crowded places.
19. Her fretish for privacy made her keep her personal life private.
20. The musician's fretish for sound quality made him invest in high-end equipment.
21. His fretish for education made him read books every day.
22. Her fretish for beauty made her spend a lot of money on skincare products.
23. The architect's fretish for sustainability made him design energy-efficient buildings.
24. His fretish for safety made him always wear a helmet while cycling.
25. Her fretish for productivity made her use time-tracking apps.
26. The photographer's fretish for lighting made him use natural light for his photos.
27. His fretish for history made him visit every historical monument in the city.
28. Her fretish for animals made her volunteer at an animal shelter.
29. The writer's fretish for storytelling made him spend hours crafting his plot.
30. His fretish for creativity made him always try new things.

Common Phases

1. I have a bit of a fretish for vintage guitars;
2. He's always had a fretish for collecting guitar picks;
3. Her fretish for buying new guitar pedals is getting a bit out of hand;
4. I didn't realize how much of a fretish he had for playing his guitar until he started bringing it everywhere with him;
5. I've developed a fretish for trying out different strings on my guitar;
6. My friend has a fretish for customizing his guitar with unique paint jobs;
7. She indulges her fretish for attending as many live music shows as possible;
8. His fretish for playing the drums is something he's had since he was a child.

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