Frighted example sentences

Related (10): fearful, terrified, panic-stricken, alarmed, startled, spooked, petrified, intimidated, unnerved, scared

"Frighted" Example Sentences

1. The loud noise in the middle of the night frighted me.
2. She was so frighted by the spider that she refused to enter the room.
3. The sudden lightning strike frighted the horses and they bolted.
4. He was frighted by the strange man who appeared out of nowhere.
5. The horror movie frighted her so much that she couldn't sleep at night.
6. The unexpected news of his father's death frighted him.
7. The sound of footsteps behind her frighted her.
8. The howl of the wolf frighted the campers in the woods.
9. The sudden gust of wind frighted the little boy.
10. The sight of the ghostly figure in the graveyard frighted him.
11. The loud thunder frightened the dog and caused him to cower.
12. The sight of the snake frighted her and she screamed.
13. The sound of the burglar alarm frighted the intruder and caused him to flee.
14. The sudden appearance of the clown frighted the children at the party.
15. The dark stormy night frighted her and she longed for her bed.
16. The loud explosion frighted everyone in the vicinity.
17. The unexpected knock on the door in the middle of the night frighted her.
18. The sudden appearance of the lightning bolt frighted the passengers on the plane.
19. The scream from the next room frighted her and she ran to check on her sister.
20. The sudden surge of water frighted the swimmer and caused him to panic.
21. The sudden appearance of the bear frighted the hiker and caused him to run.
22. The eerie silence in the haunted house frighted them as they searched for a way out.
23. The creepy noises in the abandoned building frighted the explorers.
24. The darkness in the cave frighted the spelunkers and they turned back.
25. The sudden loud noise frighted the deer and they scampered away.
26. The unexpected arrival of the tornado frighted the residents and they sought shelter.
27. The loud thunderclap frighted the baby and caused him to cry.
28. The sudden appearance of the snake frighted the hiker and caused him to retreat.
29. The sudden jolt of the earthquake frighted the inhabitants and caused widespread panic.
30. The sudden sight of the ghostly apparition frighted the guests at the old mansion.

Common Phases

1. "I was frighted by the sudden noise;"
2. "He was frighted by the dark alleyway;"
3. "They were frighted by the sound of thunder;"
4. "The children were frighted by the haunted house;"
5. "She was frighted by the unexpected visitor;"
6. "The dog was frighted by the loud fireworks;"
7. "My heart was frighted by the eerie silence;"
8. "They were frighted by the thought of being lost in the woods;"
9. "The driver was frighted by the sudden appearance of the deer;"
10. "We were frighted by the loud and unexpected explosion."

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