Frolic example sentences

Related (13): play, romp, caper, cavort, gambol, dance, skip, jump, hop, prance, frisk, rollick, sport



frolic (verb) · frolics (third person present) · frolicked (past tense) · frolicked (past participle) · frolicking (present participle)

  - (of an animal or person) play and move about cheerfully, excitedly, or energetically:

  - play about with someone in a flirtatious or sexual way:

  - a playful action or movement:

  - flirtatious or sexual activity or actions:

  - cheerful, merry, or playful:


frisk, gambol, cavort, caper, sport, scamper, skip, dance, romp, trip, prance, leap, spring, hop, jump, bounce, bob, curvet, rollick, capriole, antic, caper, game, romp, stunt, escapade, exploit, revel, spree, sport, fling, prank, jape, giggle, laugh, merrymaking, amusement, lark, skylark, playful, frisky, jolly, merry, gleeful, lighthearted, exuberant, spirited, lively, perky, skittish, coltish, kittenish, mischievous, impish, roguish, prankish, waggish, jokey, peppy, zippy, gamesome, sportive, wanton, Legal

"Frolic" Example Sentences

1. The puppies frolicked around the yard, chasing each other in play.
2. The children frolicked in the sprinkler on the hot summer day.
3. The dogs frolicked together on the beach, kicking up sand.
4. The deer frolicked in the meadow, joyfully jumping around.
5. The lambs frolicked about the field, buttting heads in delight.
6. The colts frolicked in the pasture, running and kicking up their heels.
7. The dolphins frolicked in the waves, leaping out of the water.
8. The fawns frolicked in the forest, exploring together.
9. The kittens frolicked around their mother, pouncing on each other.
10. The baby goats frolicked around their mothers, nibbling on grass.
11. The foals frolicked about the stable, full of youthful energy.
12. The calves frolicked and bucked in the pasture, kicking up their heels.
13. The polar bear cubs frolicked on the ice, playing together.
14. The toddlers frolicked in the living room, joyfully discovering new things.
15. The baby seals frolicked on the beach, playfully nipping at each other.
16. The toddler frolicked around the house, exploring his newfound mobility.
17. The lion cubs frolicked with their siblings, wrestling and tumbling.
18. The baby rabbits frolicked in the grass, hopping beside their mother.
19. The calves frolicked and bucked in the pasture, kicking up their heels.
20. The sea otter pups frolicked in the ocean surf, gleefully floating together.
21. The squirrel babies frolicked on the lawn, chasing each other up the trees.
22. The flamingo chicks frolicked in the shallow water, pecking at bugs.
23. The elephant calves frolicked in the mud, happy and carefree.
24. The fawns frolicked in the forest, exploring together.
25. The baby monkeys frolicked on their mother's back, screeching with joy.
26. The kittens frolicked around their mother, pouncing on each other.
27. The piglets frolicked around in the mud, oinking with glee.
28. The goslings frolicked along the riverbank, cheeping noisily.
29. The wolf cubs frolicked around the den, playfully nipping at each other.
30. The baby birds frolicked around their nest, eagerly stretching their wings.
31. The bee farm swarmed with buzzing bees, frolicking amidst the flowers.
32. The tiger cubs frolicked together in the long grass, learning to hunt.
33. The zebra foals frolicked on the African plain, kicking up their heels.
34. The baby bonobo monkeys frolicked in the treetops, swinging freely.
35. The sea lion pups frolicked on the rocks, joyfully nipping at each other.
36. The baby porcupines frolicked on the grass, investigating their surroundings.
37. The tiger cubs frolicked together in the long grass, learning to hunt.
38. The puppies frolicked around the yard, chasing each other in play.
39. The ducklings frolicked in the pond, quacking and splashing around.
40. The baby bears frolicked in the meadow, tumbling over each other.
41. The bumblebee babies frolicked among the flowers, buzzing with excitement.
42. The fawns frolicked in the forest, exploring together.
43. The baby boars frolicked around their snorting mother in the mud.
44. The fennec fox kits frolicked outside their den, yipping playfully.
45. The fawns frolicked in the forest, exploring together.
46. The foals frolicked about the stable, full of youthful energy.
47. The baby lemurs frolicked on their mother's back, grabbing at each other.
48. The calves frolicked and bucked in the pasture, kicking up their heels.
49. The baby squirrels frolicked up and down the tree, chasing each other.
50. The kids frolicked around the yard, kicking up laughter.
51. The baby birds frolicked around their nest, eagerly stretching their wings.
52. The dolphin calves frolicked in the wake of their mother's fin.
53. The lambs frolicked about the field, buttting heads in delight.
54. The penguin chicks frolicked on the ice floe, tumbling over each other.
55. The children frolicked in the sprinkler on the hot summer day.
56. The sea otter pups frolicked in the ocean surf, gleefully floating together.
57. The deer frolicked in the meadow, joyfully jumping around.
58. The bunnies frolicked around the garden, nibbling on fresh greens.
59. The kids frolicked around the yard, kicking up laughter.
60. The baby goats frolicked around their mothers, nibbling on grass.

Common Phases

1. The puppies frolicked in the yard.
2. She watched the children frolic in the waves at the beach.
3. The lambs frolicked in the fields.
4. The dolphins frolicked in the waves.
5. We frolicked carelessly through the meadow.
6. The children laughed and frolicked merrily in the playground.
7. The bunnies frolicked in the garden.
8. They frolicked in the freshly fallen snow.
9. The deer frolicked playfully in the forest.
10. The newborn colts frolicked joyfully in the pasture.
11. The kittens frolicked among the beds of flowers.
12. The sea lions frolicked in the pool at the zoo.
13. The squirrels frolicked along the branches.
14. She felt like frolicking in the surf like a child again.
15. The twins frolicked around the backyard.
16. The baby goats frolicked and butted heads together.
17. The toddlers frolicked happily in their cribs.
18. We frolicked barefoot in the garden on sunny afternoons.
19. The foals frolicked and chased each other through the pasture.
20. The cats frolicked and chased each other around the living room.
21. I watched the children frolicking on the new fallen snow.
22. The calves frolicked around their mothers.
23. The horses frolicked and neighed behind the fence.
24. She remembers frolicking carefree in the backyard as a child.
25. The children frolicked into the water, splashing each other.
26. The ducklings frolicked in the pond.
27. The fawns frolicked playfully through the woods.
28. She frolicked through the tall grass like a child.
29. The cubs frolicked with each other in the den.
30. The toddler frolicked happily around the house.
31. She felt like frolicking in the waves like a child again.
32. The girls frolicked into the pool, laughing and squealing.
33. The colts frolicked around their mother.
34. The kids frolicked joyfully through the sprinklers.
35. They frolicked gaily in the garden on that sunny day.
36. The puppies frolicked around her feet, begging for attention.
37. He frolicked happily beside the waves.
38. The kittens frolicked with each other, playing and tumbling over.
39. The kids frolicked around the playground like a pack of wild monkeys.
40. The foal frolicked around its mother.
41. We frolicked through the daisies without a worry in the world.
42. The seals frolicked and splashed in the water.
43. The chicks frolicked merrily in their pen.
44. The calves frolicked and bucked behind their mothers.
45. The piglets frolicked around the yard, rolling in the dirt.
46. We frolicked through the waves as children, splashing each other.
47. The ostriches frolicked around the pasture.
48. The lambs frolicked around their mother.
49. The children frolicked cheerfully through the sprinklers.
50. The monkeys frolicked and chattered in the trees.
51. She frolicked happily around the flowerbeds.
52. The puppies frolicked around the yard, nipping at each other's heels.
53. The little ones frolicked around their mother.
54. The children frolicked happily through puddles on the sidewalk.
55. The infants frolicked with delight in their cribs.
56. The foals frolicked blissfully through the pasture.
57. They frolicked joyously through the waves.
58. The babies frolicked contentedly in their playpens.
59. The calves frolicked playfully around their mothers.
60. The kids frolicked cheerily in the sprinklers on that hot summer day.

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