Frothed example sentences

Related (7): Foamed, bubbled, fizzed, effervesced, stirred, whipped, agitated.

"Frothed" Example Sentences

1. The barista frothed the milk for my cappuccino.
2. The waves frothed up against the rocky shore.
3. She frothed at the mouth when she saw the horrible meal her date had prepared.
4. The detergent frothed up when I added water to it.
5. I frothed with excitement when I heard the news.
6. The soda frothed over my cup when I opened it too quickly.
7. The champagne frothed out of the bottle, signaling the start of the party.
8. The soap frothed up nicely, leaving my hands clean and soft.
9. The storm clouds frothed with anger and lightning.
10. The rapids frothed with white water, making it an exciting ride.
11. The beer frothed out of the tap, forming a perfect head.
12. The boiling pot of soup frothed up dangerously, splashing on the stove.
13. The dog frothed at the mouth after licking a poisonous plant.
14. The waterfall frothed downwards, creating a beautiful mist in the air.
15. The ocean frothed under the hull of the ship as we sailed through the waves.
16. My hot chocolate frothed over the sides of my mug, leaving a mess on the counter.
17. The shaving cream frothed up nicely, making for a smooth shave.
18. The horse frothed at the mouth while galloping in the fields.
19. The river frothed with pollution, indicating the need for environmental action.
20. The cake batter frothed up beautifully in the mixer, making a fluffy dessert.
21. The foam on my latte was frothed to perfection by the barista.
22. The motor oil frothed up after getting too hot, causing damage to the engine.
23. The poisonous snake frothed at the mouth, warning us of its danger.
24. The whitewater rafting guide frothed at the mouth with enthusiasm, promising an exciting trip.
25. The ocean water frothed around our feet as we walked along the beach.
26. The detergent frothed excessively, leading to wasted product.
27. The fountain frothed with bubbly water, creating a playful atmosphere.
28. The shaken soda can frothed over, drenching my shirt.
29. The soap in the bathtub frothed up into a mountain of bubbles, making bath time fun.
30. The chocolate syrup frothed over the edges of my dessert plate, making for a decadent treat.

Common Phases

1. The barista frothed the milk; the latte had a layer of foam on top.
2. She frothed the soap; her hands were covered in bubbles.
3. The waves frothed as they crashed against the shore; seagulls swooped in the misty air.
4. The chef frothed the cream; she served it with a slice of pie.
5. The machine frothed the water; the bathtub was filled with bubbles.
6. The laundry detergent frothed in the washing machine; the clothes looked cleaner after the cycle.
7. The seafoam frothed on the rocks; it was a beautiful sight to see.
8. The soap frothed in his hands; he washed his face and felt refreshed.
9. The beer frothed as it poured into the glass; the aroma of hops filled the room.
10. The shampoo frothed on her head; she rinsed it off and her hair felt silky smooth.

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