Fyltes example sentences
filters (plural noun)
- a porous device for removing impurities or solid particles from a liquid or gas passed through it:
- short for filter tip.
- a screen, plate, or layer of a substance which absorbs light or other radiation or selectively absorbs some of its components:
- a device for suppressing electrical or sound waves of frequencies not required.
- (in image-editing software) a function used to alter the overall appearance of an image in a specific manner:
- a piece of software that processes text, for example to remove unwanted spaces or to format it for use in another application.
- an arrangement whereby vehicles may turn left (or right) while other traffic waiting to go straight ahead or turn right (or left) is stopped by a red light:
- pass (a liquid, gas, light, or sound) through a device to remove unwanted material:
- process or assess (items) in order to reject those that are unwanted:
- process or treat with a filter.
- move slowly in a specified direction:
- move slowly or in small quantities or numbers through something or in a specified direction:
- (of information) gradually become known: