Genealogy example sentences

Related (9): ancestry, lineage, descent, pedigree, heritage, roots, origin, progeny, kinship

"Genealogy" Example Sentences

1. She spent years researching her family's genealogy.
2. They compiled an extensive genealogy spanning several generations.
3. The genealogy revealed many surprising facts about their ancestry.
4. She enjoys tracing her family's genealogy and discovering distant relatives.
5. He has an interest in genealogy and family history.
6. The website contains a database of genealogy records that people can search.
7. She uncovered the family's genealogy dating back to the 1700s.
8. The genealogy study revealed that they were distantly related.
9. She has built a large database of genealogy information for her family name.
10. The researchers analyzed the patient's family genealogy to discover any relevant hereditary conditions.
11. The library has an extensive section dedicated to genealogy and family history research.
12. The genealogy hobby has grown in popularity in recent years.
13. She attends genealogy conferences to learn new research methods and meet other researchers.
14. The museum houses an archive of historical records used for genealogy research.
15. Genealogy can help connect people with their cultural roots and familial histories.
16. She consulted an expert to help untangle some complexities in her family's genealogy.
17. The archive contained vital records useful for reconstructing the town's genealogy.
18. She hired a professional genealogist to assist her in tracing farther back her family's genealogy.
19. DNA testing can confirm or refine the details uncovered through traditional genealogy research.
20. The website assisted her in organizing her growing collection of genealogy records and information.
21. The family tree illustrates their complex genealogy spanning centuries.
22. She hopes to eventually publish a book detailing the complete genealogy of her family name.
23. She was able to connect with distant cousins after researching their shared family genealogy.
24. The generation of an accurate family tree requires meticulous genealogy research.
25. The exhibition showcased artifacts and records highlighting the town's rich genealogy and history.
26. Studying genealogy can help people gain a better understanding of history and how it shaped their ancestors' lives.
27. They worked meticulously to assemble an accurate picture of the family's genealogy.
28. The database of genealogy records has grown immensely over the years thanks to volunteer contributions.
29. She hopes the research into her family's genealogy will inspire future generations to preserve their cultural heritage.
30. The retired couple spends their days researching and documenting their family's expansive genealogy.
31. They provide genealogy services to assist customers in tracing their family history and ancestry.
32. She enjoys the puzzle and detective work involved in reconstructing her family's complicated genealogy.
33. The records were essential for piecing together the fragmentary details of the family's genealogy.
34. The vast archive of genealogy documents contains records spanning centuries.
35. Small details and anecdotes uncovered during genealogy research help bring the past to life.
36. The genealogy society connects researchers and assists them in their family history endeavors.
37. DNA testing is revolutionizing traditional methods of family history and genealogy research.
38. The hobby of genealogy and family history tracing has exploded in popularity in recent decades.
39. His interest in genealogy started with a desire to learn more about his own ancestors and their stories.
40. His extensive research into the town's genealogy helped document the history of immigrant populations.
41. She hopes her research into the family's genealogy will help preserve their cultural heritage for future generations.
42. The mysterious gaps and inconsistencies in the family's genealogy present an intriguing puzzle to be solved.
43. The clinic offers genetic testing that can provide valuable insight into patients' family medical histories and genealogy.
44. The elderly relative enjoyed recounting family stories and sharing details of their extensive genealogy.
45. The errors and omissions that inevitably creep into genealogy research over time make verification and correction an ongoing process.
46. Studying the family's genealogy helped put larger historical events and trends into context for their experiences.
47. The collection of genealogy documents contained valuable information that had been lost to subsequent generations.
48. His interest in genealogy began as a desire to learn more about his ancestors but grew into a lifelong hobby and passion.
49. Researchers used genealogy records to trace the patterns of migration and settlement of different populations.
50. Details contained within genealogy records such as marriage certificates and census data can reveal intriguing stories about ancestors' lives.

Common Phases

1. She spent years compiling an exhaustive genealogy of her family to trace her ancestors.
2. The genealogy showed that she was descended from aristocratic lineage.
3. Her interest in family history and genealogy began at a young age.
4. Genealogy is a lifelong hobby for many people.
5. She submitted her family genealogy to ancestry websites for other potential relatives to see.
6. He devoted weekends and vacations to researching his family's genealogy.
7. The genealogy project helped strengthen bonds within the extended family.
8. She consulted primary sources and official documents to build an accurate genealogy.
9. Church records were invaluable in tracing her family's genealogy back several centuries.
10. She used her family's genealogy to reconstruct historical events that had impacted them.
11. The university offered classes in genealogy research methods.
12. Genealogy societies exist to promote research and share resources.
13. Libraries contain archives and documents useful for genealogy research.
14. DNA testing is becoming increasingly common to verify parts of one's genealogy.
15. Her family's deep interest in genealogy originated with her grandmother.
16. Creating a family tree is a common first step in genealogy research.
17. His findings in genealogy research surprised him with unexpected relatives.
18. Many people become interested in genealogy after reaching retirement age.
19. New records and sources are constantly becoming available to aid genealogy research.
20. Genealogy helped him gain a deeper appreciation for his cultural heritage.
21. She gained a new understanding of world history through studying her family's genealogy.
22. She traced her family's genealogy back to historical figures who had impacted her country.
23. Genealogy can reveal branches of one's family tree that were previously unknown.
24. They were patient and meticulous in reconstructing the complete genealogy of their ancestors.
25. Military records could provide important details relevant to his genealogy search.
26. Her family's genealogy research uncovered stories of interesting historical events.
27. Public records and archives are scattered across the country, complicating genealogy efforts.
28. Many people find genealogy research to provide insight into important human connections.
29. Properly documenting one's genealogy is important for future generations.
30. Genealogy often ignites interest in related areas of history and research.
31. His findings from genealogy research were published in an academic journal.
32. Computers and online resources have greatly simplified modern genealogy research.
33. Her detailed genealogy records aimed to preserve the memory of relatives for posterity.
34. Immigrants often face complications in tracing their genealogy in a new country.
35. Creating a detailed genealogy can be a painstaking and time-consuming process.
36. Genealogy may uncover uncomfortable truths about one's family history.
37. Libraries often offer classes and research assistance related to genealogy.
38. Government archives and records offices often hold valuable records for genealogy research.
39. Scientists can derive valuable biological insights from reconstructing a detailed human genealogy.
40. Their compilation of family genealogy dated back multiple generations.
41. They traced their family genealogy all the way back to the Mayflower.
42. Genealogy research revealed multiple family branches that eventually converged.
43. Much of their family's genealogy was lost due to records being destroyed over the years.
44. He devoted his retirement to researching and documenting an exhaustive family genealogy.
45. She studied genealogy as a way to connect with her cultural heritage and family history.
46. Scientists use human genealogy to gain insights into genetics, disease, and evolution.
47. The extensive genealogy records reveal insights into cultural and historical trends.
48. DNA testing often provides valuable confirmation or corrections to one's suspected genealogy.
49. Following people's genealogy through history reveals the connectedness of humanity.
50. She based her novel around the complex genealogy of an interwoven group of families.
51. Genealogy reveals the unexpected influence of distant ancestors on one's life.
52. Hermeneutics aims to interpret texts within the proper context of history and genealogy.
53. Studying genealogy allows one to see how history shaped their own lives and identity.
54. Unraveling the complex genealogy of a family can reveal historical connections to power structures.
55. Their research into family genealogy uncovered stories of suffering, courage, and triumph.
56. Documenting one's genealogy can help future generations discover their family history.
57. His detailed genealogy revealed how certain traits had been passed down through generations.
58. Scholars can uncover new historical truths by reconstructing the genealogy of influential figures.
59. Genealogy offers a tangible connection to one's ancestors thousands of years removed.
60. Constructing a family genealogy involves piecing together clues and evidence from scattered sources.

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