Genesis example sentences
Related (12): beginning, creation, origin, inception, start, formation, birth, emergence, development, evolution, dawn, foundation
"Genesis" Example Sentences
Common Phases
1. The genesis of the idea occurred during our brainstorming session.
2. His book traces the genesis and development of modern political thought.
3. The genesis of this rivalry dates back to their childhood.
4. The Genesis Account describes the creation of the world by God.
5. The book offers a fascinating look at the genesis and growth of civilization.
6. The initial idea underwent many changes before reaching its final genesis.
7. At the genesis of a new scientific theory lies creativity and intuition.
8. The genesis of modern psychology is closely tied to the works of Freud and Jung.
9. The project faced many challenges during its genesis and early stages.
10. The film focused on the genesis and spread of evil throughout history.
11. Genesis tells of how God created light, the earth, and all living things.
12. The book provides new insights into the genesis of Chinese civilization.
13. The Genesis creation narrative describes God creating the world in six days.
14. The music producer oversaw the genesis and creation of the album.
15. The company's genesis dates back to 1992 when it was founded by two college friends.
16. At the genesis of every invention is a stroke of insight and imagination.
17. The Genesis story of Adam and Eve tells of the origin of sin.
18. The pandemic's global spread marked the genesis of a new era.
19. The family traced the genesis of their creative spirit to their ancestors.
20. The modern era had its genesis during the scientific revolution.
21. The Genesis Flood narrative describes a global flood caused by God.
22. The inventor recalled the very genesis of the idea that led to his breakthrough invention.
23. The prophecy provided the genesis for the later movement.
24. The Genesis creation story describes God creating the universe in six days.
25. The band's genesis began when two college friends formed a duo.
26. All creation stories try to explain the genesis and purpose of life.
27. The chain of events leading to the accident marked its genesis.
28. The story's genesis came from a mysterious dream.
29. Political stability marked the genesis of a new era of prosperity and progress.
30. The modern theory of relativity traces its genesis to Einstein's thought experiments.
31. The garden of Eden story in Genesis describes humanity's fall from divine grace.
32. The novel traces the genesis and transformation of a radical political idea.
33. The architect oversaw every stage of the building's genesis from conception to completion.
34. The revival traces its genesis to a popular religious movement of the time.
35. Star formation marks the genesis of new stellar and planetary systems.
36. The Genesis narrative describes God creating Adam and Eve on the sixth day.
37. The movement's genesis is traced to this founding manifesto.
38. The director closely supervised the film's genesis from script to final cut.
39. The literary genre had its genesis in ancient oral storytelling traditions.
40. The book provides insight into the cultural and political forces driving the movement's genesis.
41. The Genesis creation stories give unique theological perspectives on creation.
42. His vision marked the genesis of the new company.
43. Their marriage marked the genesis of a new life chapter filled with joy and happiness.
44. The novel provides insight into the social and economic forces that shaped the century's genesis.
45. The social movement found its genesis among oppressed populations.
46. The Genesis account of creation emphasizes God creating order out of chaos.
47. The Genesis flood narrative describes the story of Noah and the ark.
48. New technologies marked the genesis of the new industrial age.
49. The band's genesis began with two guitarists playing together in a garage.
50. The beginning of the universe marked the genesis of space, time, and matter.
51. Religious belief often provides answers to questions about the genesis of life.
52. The novel traces the genesis and development of progressive political thought.
53. God's creation of humans marks the genesis of spirituality in the Genesis creation story.
54. The new economic theory traces its genesis back to Adam Smith's writings.
55. The philosopher traced modern thought back to its genesis in ancient Greece.
56. The concepts laid out in the manifesto marked the genesis of a radical new movement.
57. The initial idea marked the genesis of a multibillion-dollar company.
58. The Genesis creation story portrays God as the source and master of creation.
59. The headquarters building traces its genesis back to the founder's original vision.
60. The launch party marked the genesis of an exciting new era for the startup company.