Inception example sentences

Related (7): dreams, subliminal, reality, inception, limbo, totem, inceptionist

"Inception" Example Sentences

1. I watched Inception last night and was blown away.
2. The Inception of the idea came from a dream.
3. The Inception of the company was a humble one in a garage.
4. The Inception of the project was met with some resistance from the team.
5. The Inception of the plan was brilliant, but its execution was flawed.
6. The movie Inception explores the world of dreams in an innovative way.
7. The Inception of the universe is still a mystery to scientists.
8. The Inception of our friendship was during our college days.
9. The Inception of the new law has caused controversy among citizens.
10. The Inception of a new project requires careful planning and coordination.
11. The Inception of the game was met with mixed reviews from players.
12. Inception has become a classic movie for its unique concept and storytelling.
13. The Inception of the idea sparked a new direction for the team.
14. The Inception of the novel was inspired by real-life events.
15. The Inception of the technology has revolutionized the way we communicate.
16. The Inception of the program was made possible by generous funding.
17. The Inception of the concept took months of research and development.
18. Inception of the event was marked by a grand ceremony.
19. The Inception of the theory was controversial among experts.
20. The Inception of the business was successful in the first year of operation.
21. Inception of the dance routine was well received by the audience.
22. The Inception of the art project was a collaboration of different styles.
23. The Inception of the political movement sparked excitement among the masses.
24. The Inception of the idea required a lot of brainstorming and creativity.
25. The Inception of the music festival was a huge success in its first year.
26. The Inception of the social media platform changed the way we interact online.
27. The Inception of the movement was a reaction to injustice in society.
28. The Inception of the fashion line was inspired by natural elements.
29. The Inception of the building project required careful planning and construction.
30. The Inception of the research study involved collecting data from different sources.

Common Phases

1. The inception of the project occurred in the summer of 2014;
2. The inception stage involved extensive research and planning;
3. The inception of the company took place in a small garage in Silicon Valley;
4. The inception of the idea was sparked during a brainstorming session;
5. Inception is a critical phase that sets the foundation for success;
6. The inception of a new product can change the course of a company's success;
7. The inception of a new era brought about advancements in technology.

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