Genetical example sentences

Related (6): - genetic, hereditary, chromosome, variation, phenotype, nucleotide

"Genetical" Example Sentences

1. The genetical makeup of the twins was almost identical.
2. Cancer is caused by a combination of environmental and genetical factors.
3. The occurrence of genetical diseases is higher among closely related individuals.
4. The doctor used a genetical test to determine the patient's risk of developing Alzheimer's disease.
5. She was born with a genetical condition that affected her vision.
6. There is a high variability in genetical traits among individuals.
7. The genetical differences between different ethnic groups can affect their susceptibility to certain diseases.
8. The team of researchers studied the genetical basis of obesity.
9. The study found a correlation between certain genetical variations and performance in athletic competitions.
10. Scientists still don't fully understand the genetical mechanisms behind aging.
11. The genetical diversity of a population is important for its survival.
12. It is possible to alter the genetical makeup of plants through selective breeding.
13. The researchers sequenced the genetical code of the bacteria to better understand its behavior.
14. The genetical engineering of animals raises ethical concerns among some people.
15. The genetical traits that give certain animals an advantage in their environment are passed on to their offspring.
16. The genetical analysis of the population revealed a high level of inbreeding.
17. The researchers discovered a new genetical mutation that causes a rare disease.
18. The genetical basis of intelligence is a controversial topic in the scientific community.
19. The field of epigenetics explores how environmental factors can affect genetical expression.
20. The study found a clear correlation between excessive alcohol consumption and genetical damage.
21. Some genetical disorders can be treated with gene therapy.
22. The researchers studied the genetical evolution of plants.
23. She inherited her father's genetical predisposition to heart disease.
24. The genetical inheritance of certain physical traits can be predicted with a high degree of accuracy.
25. The team of scientists analyzed the genetical changes between different strains of bacteria.
26. The genetical diversity of a coral reef is crucial for its long-term survival.
27. The study found no significant genetical differences between different populations of the same animal species.
28. The researchers used genetical markers to track the spread of a virus.
29. The genetical similarities between certain species suggest a common ancestor.
30. The genetical mutations that give rise to antibiotic resistance pose a serious threat to public health.

Common Phases

1. Genetical variations often lead to diverse traits and characteristics;
2. Understanding the genetical makeup of organisms is crucial to mapping evolutionary pathways;
3. Mutation and recombination are major drivers of genetical diversity within populations;
4. Advances in genetical engineering have opened up new frontiers in biotechnology;
5. The complex genetical interactions between parents can lead to unexpected outcomes in their offspring.

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