Genteelisms example sentences

Related (7): elegance, refinement, decorum, courtesy, civilization, graciousness, cultivation

"Genteelisms" Example Sentences

1. As the ambassador spoke, his genteelisms were in stark contrast to the brashness of his counterpart.
2. The literary society was known for their use of genteelisms, often peppering them into their discussions to appear refined.
3. Despite her best efforts, Mary could not seem to shake the genteelisms she had picked up from her aristocratic family.
4. The professor's lectures were laced with genteelisms, making it difficult for some students to follow along.
5. The old-fashioned gentleman always spoke with genteelisms, relishing in the language of a bygone era.
6. Emily was mocked by her peers for her frequent usage of genteelisms, which made her sound pretentious.
7. The baroque era was marked by intricate art and elaborate genteelisms in language.
8. The stuffy butler never spoke without the use of genteelisms, as he believed it was integral to his position.
9. While the artist's work was modern, she found herself drawn to the genteelisms of past literature and regularly incorporated them into her pieces.
10. The politician's genteelisms were often criticized as insincere and an attempt to manipulate his audience.
11. The author's use of genteelisms in his writing gave it an air of sophistication and refinement.
12. The aristocratic couple were often the subject of gossip due to their excessive use of genteelisms, which many found irritating.
13. The elderly woman's genteelisms were endearing to her grandchildren, who loved to hear her stories of a bygone era.
14. Despite her humble upbringing, Sarah had perfected the use of genteelisms and was often mistaken for a member of the upper class.
15. The etiquette coach taught her students how to properly use genteelisms to appear more cultured and refined.
16. The linguist was fascinated by the history of genteelisms and their evolution over time.
17. The statesman's use of genteelisms was a deliberate attempt to convey a sense of sophistication and intelligence.
18. The academic conference was punctuated with genteelisms, making the presentations sound stilted and formal.
19. The playwright's portrayal of the upper class was filled with forced genteelisms, highlighting the artificiality of their lifestyle.
20. The socialite's constant use of genteelisms annoyed her acquaintances, who found her affected and phony.
21. The young debutante struggled with using the right genteelisms at her coming out party, fearing she would make a mistake.
22. The linguistics professor was an expert in genteelisms, having studied them extensively throughout her career.
23. The politician's reliance on genteelisms made her seem out of touch with her constituents, who preferred more straightforward language.
24. The foreign diplomat's use of genteelisms was seen as a way to bridge the cultural divide and show respect for her host country.
25. The literary critic praised the author's use of genteelisms, noting it added an air of authenticity to the historical fiction novel.
26. The etiquette instructor stressed the importance of using genteelisms appropriately and sparingly, as they could become tiresome and even offensive if overused.
27. The aristocratic family's mansion was filled with genteelisms in the form of ornate furniture and lavish decor.
28. The Mannerist period was characterized by exaggerated gestures and elaborate gentileisms in art and literature.
29. The actress's affected use of genteelisms in her interviews garnered criticism, with many believing it was a thinly veiled attempt to appear more intelligent.
30. The elderly gentleman spoke with a charm and elegance that was rare in modern times, punctuated by genteelisms that harkened back to a more refined era.

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