Gentleman example sentences
Related (10): gentleman, chivalry, etiquette, manners, respect, honorable, courteous, sophisticated, refined, gallant.
"Gentleman" Example Sentences
1. The gentleman held open the door for the elderly woman.2. The young gentleman tipped his hat in greeting.
3. The group of gentlemen gathered for their weekly game of poker.
4. The gentleman offered his seat to the pregnant woman on the bus.
5. The well-dressed gentleman ordered a scotch on the rocks.
6. The gentleman attending the charity gala donated a generous amount.
7. The gentleman escorted his date to their table at the restaurant.
8. The gentleman was known for his impeccable manners.
9. The gentleman had a twinkle in his eye as he told a joke.
10. The elderly gentleman sat on the park bench, feeding the pigeons.
11. The gentleman removed his hat upon entering the church.
12. The gentleman helped the lost child find her parents in the crowded mall.
13. The gentleman listened patiently as the young boy told his story.
14. The gentleman's suit and tie were perfectly coordinated.
15. The gentleman was a regular at the local coffee shop.
16. The gentleman spoke eloquently at the town hall meeting.
17. The gentleman was always quick to lend a helping hand.
18. The gentleman was awarded a medal for his bravery in battle.
19. The gentleman's cologne had a subtle, yet alluring scent.
20. The gentleman sported a neatly trimmed mustache.
21. The gentleman opened the car door for his wife.
22. The gentleman wiped away a tear during the emotional movie.
23. The gentleman nodded in agreement with the speaker's point.
24. The gentleman's chivalrous actions won the heart of the lady.
25. The gentleman enjoyed reading the newspaper with a cup of tea.
26. The gentleman's antique watch was a family heirloom.
27. The gentleman smiled warmly at the cashier in the grocery store.
28. The gentleman's deep voice commanded attention when he spoke.
29. The gentleman offered his umbrella to the stranger caught in the rain.
30. The gentleman's leather briefcase was a mark of his profession.