Man example sentences

Related (10): gentleman, businessman, fireman, postman, craftsman, mailman, snowman, spokesman, cameraman, fisherman

"Man" Example Sentences

1. The man walked down the street.
2. The kind man helped the little boy.
3. The policeman is a hardworking man.
4. The man in the suit went into the office building.
5. The old man sat on the bench.
6. The tall man stood by the tree.
7. The injured man was taken to the hospital.
8. The wise man gave good advice.
9. The adventurous man traveled to many places.
10. The strong man lifted heavy weights.
11. The man ate his lunch.
12. The wealthy man lived in a mansion.
13. The handsome man caught the woman's eye.
14. The shy man spoke softly.
15. The rude man pushed in line.
16. The hardworking man came home tired every night.
17. The lazy man did not want to get out of bed.
18. The greedy man wanted more and more money.
19. The frightened man ran away from danger.
20. The angry man slammed the door.
21. The man rescued the drowning child.
22. The clumsy man dropped his plate.
23. The funny man made everyone laugh.
24. The silly man acted foolishly.
25. The brave man faced his fears.
26. The determined man would not give up.
27. The average man lived an ordinary life.
28. The lonely man longed for companionship.
29. The young man had his whole life ahead of him.
30. The irrational man refused sound advice.
31. The conceited man thought very highly of himself.
32. The cheap man refused to spend any money.
33. The scary man frightened the children.
34. The dishonest man told lies.
35. The immature man acted like a child.
36. The mysterious man aroused suspicion.
37. The sarcastic man made hurtful remarks.
38. The composed man remained calm in difficult situations.
39. The wisecracking man told jokes.
40. The loyal man stood by his friends.
41. The loyal man stood by his friends.
42. The successful man had achieved his goals.
43. The intellectual man enjoyed books and learning.
44. The unlucky man had bad things happen to him.
45. The wise man gave wise counsel.
46. The strong-willed man refused to give in.
47. The warlike man sought conflict.
48. The peaceful man avoided fighting.
49. The honest man told the truth.
50. The fair man acted justly.
51. The responsible man met his obligations.
52. The emotional man let his feelings show openly.
53. The rational man used reason and logic.
54. The practical man focused on usefulness and common sense.
55. The humble man did not think too highly of himself.
56. The religious man followed a spiritual path.
57. The hospitable man welcomed guests warmly.
58. The self-made man had risen from humble beginnings through hard work.
59. The honorable man acted with integrity and virtue.
60. The caring man showed kindness and concern for others.

Common Phases

1. layman's terms - in simple terms that a non-specialist can understand
2. never look a gift horse in the mouth - do not question or criticize a generous gift
3. a man of few words - someone who does not talk much
4. man up - to act in a courageous, determined, or responsible manner
5. call the shots - to be in control or make the important decisions
6. the worst of men - someone very bad or morally weak
7. fall by the wayside - to fail or drop out
8. upper hand - advantage or control over someone else
9. every man for himself - when people act primarily in their own self-interest
10. for all I/he/she knows - as far as I/he/she is aware
11. manpower - the available human labor or workforce
12. cradle to the grave - from birth to death
13. meet one's match - to find someone or something that is equally good, difficult, etc.
14. man among men - someone who stands out from other men in terms of character or abilities
15. working man - an ordinary person who works for a living
16. show one's true colors - to reveal one's real nature or attitude
17. pardon my French - excuse my use of vulgar language
18. hand to mouth - struggling to obtain the basic necessities day by day
19. put man on the moon - to achieve something monumental or groundbreaking
20. time and time again - frequently; over and over again

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