Geoeconomics example sentences

Related (9): trade, finance, investment, infrastructure, resources, energy, technology, diplomacy, globalization

"Geoeconomics" Example Sentences

1. Geoeconomics is the study of the intersection between economics and politics.
2. The United States uses its geoeconomic power to influence other countries' policies.
3. China's Belt and Road Initiative is a key component of its geoeconomic strategy.
4. The European Union is increasingly using geoeconomic tools to shape global affairs.
5. Geoeconomics considers economic factors in international relations.
6. The decline of fossil fuels is shaping geoeconomic dynamics worldwide.
7. Geoeconomics can be used to project national power and influence.
8. Geoeconomic competition is intensifying between the United States and China.
9. Geoeconomic considerations played a major role in the North American Free Trade Agreement negotiations.
10. Sanctions are a common geoeconomic tool used by countries to influence other nations' policies.
11. Geoeconomic factors were central to the United Kingdom's decision to leave the European Union.
12. Geoeconomics is closely linked to the field of international political economy.
13. Emerging technologies will play a key role in shaping geoeconomic power dynamics.
14. Geoeconomics requires a multidisciplinary approach.
15. Geoeconomic rivalries often center around strategic resources and infrastructure.
16. Geoeconomics is not a new phenomenon, but it has gained greater prominence in recent years.
17. The United States' geoeconomic power is rooted in its dominance of the global financial system.
18. Geoeconomic considerations are increasingly influencing foreign policy decisions by countries around the world.
19. The use of trade as a geoeconomic tool has a long history.
20. Geoeconomic factors will shape the future of the digital economy.
21. Geoeconomic cooperation between countries can promote regional and global development.
22. Debt diplomacy is a controversial geoeconomic strategy often employed by China.
23. Geoeconomic tensions between the United States and Europe have been increasing in recent years.
24. Sovereign wealth funds are becoming increasingly important in geoeconomic strategy.
25. Geoeconomic analysis is critical for understanding the current state of international relations.
26. The use of geoeconomic tools by non-state actors is a growing concern.
27. Geoeconomic competition is not always a zero-sum game.
28. Geoeconomic considerations are shaping the future of the global energy sector.
29. The success of geoeconomic strategies often depends on partnerships with other countries.
30. Geoeconomic rivalries can sometimes lead to conflict.
31. The rise of populism is impacting geoeconomic dynamics in many parts of the world.
32. Geoeconomic trends have important implications for global inequality.
33. The geoeconomic implications of climate change are becoming increasingly clear.
34. Geoeconomic power is not always proportional to a country's size or wealth.
35. The use of soft power is an important geoeconomic tool.
36. Geoeconomic challenges can have major domestic implications.
37. The use of geoeconomic tactics by Russia has led to tensions with the West.
38. Geoeconomic factors will shape the future of the global health industry.
39. The study of geoeconomics requires a deep understanding of global economic trends and political dynamics.
40. Geoeconomic developments are often connected to security concerns.

Common Phases

1. "Geoeconomics aims to use economic leverage in order to achieve geopolitical objectives;"
2. "The concept of geoeconomics emphasizes the interdependence between political power and economic status;"
3. "The rise of China as a global power has led to an increased focus on geoeconomic strategies;"
4. "Geoeconomics is a valuable tool in modern warfare, as it allows states to weaken their adversaries without resorting to military force;"
5. "The use of economic sanctions is a classic example of geoeconomic strategy, as it seeks to influence the behavior of target countries by limiting their access to international markets;"
6. "Geoeconomic competition between nations is increasing, as countries seek to gain strategic advantages in areas such as trade, finance, and technology;"
7. "In order to succeed in the current geopolitical landscape, countries must adopt a geoeconomic perspective and leverage their economic strengths to advance their national interests."

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