German example sentences

Related (18): Germany, Germanic, Deutsche, Deutschland, Berlin, Bavaria, Oktoberfest, autobahn, sauerkraut, bier, lederhosen, wurst, Nietzsche, Beethoven, Volkswagen, Mercedes-Benz, BMW, Oktoberfest.

"German" Example Sentences

1. He studied the German language in college.
2. The German Shepherd waited patiently by the door.
3. Berlin is the capital city of Germany.
4. The German Army invaded Poland in 1939.
5. German chocolate cake is actually named after an American baker.
6. We went to Munich, a beautiful city in southern Germany.
7. She spoke fluent German that she learned as a child.
8. The German citizens suffered greatly after World War I.
9. The German economy is one of the strongest in Europe.
10. The German language uses a different alphabet than English.
11. Porsche makes luxury German sports cars.
12. The German people have a long and complex history.
13. Grimm's Fairy Tales were collected by German brothers.
14. German engineering is known for being efficient and precise.
15. The German border has many checkpoints and controls.
16. The German Shepherd guarded the house dutifully.
17. Volkswagen is a famous German automaker.
18. The fall of the Berlin Wall marked the end of East Germany.
19. The Black Forest is located in southwestern Germany.
20. The German town of Rothenburg is charming and well preserved.
21. Hitler rose to power in Germany during the 1930s.
22. Frankfurt is a major financial center in Germany.
23. The German language has strong guttural sounds.
24. Many German immigrants settled in the Midwest.
25. He studied German culture and history in university.
26. The German cruise ship sailed along the Rhine River.
27. The German philosopher Immanuel Kant lived from 1724-1804.
28. The German term Wanderlust refers to the desire to travel.
29. German precision and efficiency are well known.
30. German folktales often have magical or supernatural elements.
31. The German term zeitgeist refers to the spirit of the age.
32. German beer is known for its variety and strong flavor.
33. The German philosopher Nietzsche lived from 1844-1900.
34. The Berlin Wall divided East and West Germany.
35. The German autobahn has no maximum speed limit.
36. Oktoberfest is a large German beer festival.
37. German food tends to be hearty and flavorful.
38. The German term kindergarten means children's garden.
39. The German language uses a mixture of Latin and Germanic roots.
40. The German race car driver Michael Schumacher was famous.
41. Goethe was a famous German poet and dramatist.
42. The German poet Rilke lived from 1875-1926.
43. German fairy tales were collected by the Brothers Grimm.
44. The German city of Hamburg has the largest port in Europe.
45. He has blonde hair and blue eyes like many Germans.
46. The German language has complex grammar rules.
47. Many Germans were killed or displaced after WWII.
48. The German philosopher Hegel lived from 1770-1831.
49. Audi and Mercedes Benz are luxury German car brands.
50. The German playwright Bertolt Brecht lived from 1898-1956.
51. The German word Zeitgeist means "the spirit of the age".
52. The German philosopher Kant lived from 1724-1804.
53. The German physicist Einstein lived from 1879-1955.
54. The German philosopher Heidegger lived from 1889-1976.
55. The German army invaded France through Belgium in 1940.
56. The German city of Koblenz sits at the confluence of two rivers.
57. The German philosopher Schopenhauer lived from 1788-1860.
58. The German composer Bach lived from 1685-1750.
59. The German film director Fritz Lang lived from 1890-1976.
60. The German city of Dresden was heavily bombed in World War II.

Common Phases

1. Ich spreche Deutsch, denn ich komme aus Deutschland. (I speak German, because I come from Germany.)
2. Sie lernt zurzeit Deutsch als Fremdsprache. (She is currently learning German as a foreign language.)
3. Er liest ein Buch auf Deutsch. (He is reading a book in German.)
4. Sie singt ein deutsches Lied. (She is singing a German song.)
5. Die deutsche Sprache klingt sehr schön. (The German language sounds very beautiful.)
6. Das ist ein typisch deutscher Ausdruck. (That is a typical German expression.)
7. Er hat einen deutschen Nachnamen. (He has a German surname.)
8. Der Autor ist deutscher Herkunft. (The author is of German origin.)
9. Das Bier schmeckt sehr deutsch. (The beer tastes very German.)
10. Die deutsche Küche ist weltberühmt. (German cuisine is world famous.)
11. Das Fest wird nach deutscher Tradition gefeiert. (The festival is celebrated according to German tradition.)
12. Der Architekt benutzte einen typisch deutschen Baustil. (The architect used a typical German architectural style.)
13. Das ist ein deutsches Sprichwort. (That is a German proverb.)
14. Er liest gerne deutsche Literatur. (He likes to read German literature.)
15. Sie interessiert sich für deutsche Geschichte. (She is interested in German history.)
16. Der deutsche Humor ist ziemlich speziell. (German humor is quite special.)
17. Die deutsche Industrie ist sehr innovativ. (German industry is very innovative.)
18. Das Museum zeigt deutsche Kunst aus mehreren Jahrhunderten. (The museum shows German art from several centuries.)
19. Das Lied hat einen typischen deutschen Text. (The song has typical German lyrics.)
20. Der deutsche Fahrstil ist direkt und effizient. (The German driving style is direct and efficient.)
21. Deutsche Filme werden weltweit ausgestrahlt. (German films are broadcast worldwide.)
22. Das Wetter ist heute typisch deutsch. (The weather is typically German today.)
23. Der Nachbar ist deutscher Abstammung. (The neighbor is of German descent.)
24. Die Gegend ist von deutscher Kultur geprägt. (The area is shaped by German culture.)
25. Die deutschen Nachrichten sind zum Frühstück im Fernsehen. (The German news is on TV in the morning.)
26. Der Fußballverein hat viele deutsche Spieler. (The football club has many German players.)
27. Deutsche Produkte haben einen guten Ruf. (German products have a good reputation.)
28. Die Autos sind aus deutscher Produktion. (The cars are from German production.)
29. Das deutsche Volkslied ist berühmt. (The German folk song is famous.)
30. Der deutsche Akzent klingt stark. (The German accent sounds strong.)
31. Das ist ein typisch deutscher Vornamen. (That is a typical German first name.)
32. Die deutsche Gesangsstimme ist voll und kräftig. (The German singing voice is full and powerful.)
33. Die deutsche Fluglinie bot uns gute Unterhaltung an Bord. (The German airline provided us with good entertainment on board.)
34. Der Automechaniker ist deutscher Staatsbürger. (The car mechanic is a German citizen.)
35. Ich finde die deutsche Pünktlichkeit bewundernswert. (I find German punctuality admirable.)
36. Deutsche Ingenieurskunst hat eine lange Tradition. (German engineering has a long tradition.)
37. Die deutsche Gründlichkeit zeigt sich in allen Bereichen. (German thoroughness shows in all areas.)
38. Deutsche Effizienz ist weltberühmt. (German efficiency is world famous.)
39. Der deutsche Arbeitseifer ist beachtlich. (The German diligence is remarkable.)
40. Die deutschen Aldi-Supermärkte gibt es in vielen Ländern. (The German Aldi supermarkets exist in many countries.)
41. Das Konzert enthielt viele deutsche Komponisten. (The concert contained many German composers.)
42. Der Ausdruck deutet auf einen deutschen Ursprung hin. (The expression indicates a German origin.)
43. Die deutsche Firma baute die Maschine. (The German company built the machine.)
44. Die Mitarbeiter mit deutschen Wurzeln bilden die Mehrheit. (The employees of German roots form the majority.)
45. Er klagt über die harte deutsche Mentalität. (He complains about the hard German mentality.)
46. Das deutsche Haus im Wald gehört unseren Verwandten. (The German house in the woods belongs to our relatives.)
47. Die deutschen Soldaten marschierten ein. (The German soldiers marched in.)
48. Deutsche Fußballfans feuerten ihr Team lautstark an. (German football fans cheered their team loudly.)
49. Der deutsche Ursprung ist offensichtlich. (The German origin is obvious.)
50. Der deutsche Philosoph beeinflusste viele Denker. (The German philosopher influenced many thinkers.)
51. An der Grenze kontrollierten die deutschen Zöllner die Papiere. (At the border, the German customs officers checked the documents.)
52. Das Transportunternehmen ist im deutschen Besitz. (The transport company is in German ownership.)
53. Der deutsche Astronaut trainierte hart für die Mission. (The German astronaut trained hard for the mission.)
54. Deutsche Ingenieure entwarfen den neuen Hubschrauber. (German engineers designed the new helicopter.)
55. Die deutschen Einwanderer bauten eine neue Existenz auf. (The German immigrants built a new existence.)
56. Die deutsche Sprache gelangte über die Kolonien nach Afrika. (The German language reached Africa through the colonies.)
57. Das deutsche Militär dominierte den Kriegsschauplatz. (The German military dominated the theater of war.)
58. Schon die alten Germanen schworen bei ihrem Gott. (Even the ancient Germans swore by their god.)
59. Der deutsche Ursprung wird immer wieder infrage gestellt. (The German origin is repeatedly called into question.)
60. Das deutsche Wort ist prägnant und auf den Punkt. (The German word is concise and to the point.)

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