Gettable example sentences

Related (6): attainable, achievable, obtainable, reachable, acquirable, realizable

"Gettable" Example Sentences

1. The deal seems pretty gettable if we negotiate hard enough.
2. With a little persistence, that promotion is gettable this year.
3. That raise is gettable if you ask for it.
4. The contract is completely gettable if we improve our pricing.
5. That high score may be gettable with some extra training.
6. The top grades are definitely gettable this semester if you study hard.
7. That woman seems very gettable if you play your cards right.
8. The parts we need are still gettable, it'll just cost a little extra.
9. That contract seems very gettable for our company at this point.
10. The job position is definitely gettable if I apply and interview well.
11. The tickets we want are gettable, we just have to act fast.
12. The hiking spot we want should be gettable this weekend.
13. That raise seems very gettable if you ask at the right time.
14. The project seems gettable within our time and budget constraints.
15. The permits we need are still gettable before the deadline.
16. The vacation plans are still 100% gettable this month.
17. With some creative proposals, that grant is definitely gettable.
18. The salary we want is still very gettable if we negotiate.
19. The reimbursement we need is definitely gettable with proper documentation.
20. The equipment we want is completely gettable within our current budget.
21. That sequel we want is gettable if we ask the author nicely.
22. The tickets are still gettable, we just have to keep trying.
23. The funding we need is totally gettable with the right proposal.
24. The apartment we want seems gettable within our price range.
25. That's a promotion I think you can definitely still get. It's gettable!
26. With planning and perseverance, that goal is still very gettable.
27. The dream vacation is absolutely gettable this year if we save hard.
28. With luck and persistence, that loan is totally gettable.
29. The results we want are gettable with some extra testing.
30. We can definitely get that contract. It's totally gettable.
31. The high score you want is gettable with some strategy adjustments.
32. The oversized sofa is still gettable if we go to another store.
33. With a little hustle, that raise is 100% gettable before the year ends.
34. Those shoes are still gettable in your size, we just have to keep checking stores.
35. With a strong interview, that job offer is definitely gettable.
36. The prize we want seems gettable with some extra effort this week.
37. The hardware we need is gettable for our current budget.
38. That vacation cabin is gettable if we book quickly before it sells out.
39. Those concert tickets are still gettable online if we act fast enough.
40. The upgraded parts we want are gettable within our budget constraints.
41. The sale we want is still gettable with a little more networking.
42. The equipment we need is totally gettable within our current budget.
43. The software upgrades we want are definitely gettable before the deadline.
44. With some hustle and elbow grease, that promotion is 100% gettable.
45. The laptop we want is gettable within our price range if we look for deals.
46. The results we need are definitely gettable with some extra testing.
47. The initial investment we want is totally gettable with a strong enough pitch.
48. That refund we're owed is totally gettable with the right documentation.
49. With some perseverance, that job offer is definitely still gettable.
50. The raise we want is definitely gettable if we ask at the right time.
51. Those backstage passes are still gettable if we tweet at the band enough.
52. The upgraded software is absolutely gettable within our current budget.
53. The souvenirs we want are totally gettable if we shop around enough stores.
54. That new car is gettable within our current budget if we get a good deal.
55. The products we need are totally gettable within our current budget constraints.
56. With hard work and preparation, that dream job is 100% gettable.
57. The funding we want is definitely gettable with a compelling enough proposal.
58. The items we need are totally gettable for the amount we have to spend.
59. That raise is completely gettable if you ask at the right time of year.
60. The discount we want is totally gettable with the right coupon or promotion code.

Common Phases

1. The early bird gets the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese. Aesop made his point clear; the first guy usually gets the most gettable prizes.
2. I'm trying to save up for a new car, so I've been hunting for the best deals and most gettable sales online.
3. The less gettable something is, the more people desire it. Scarcity creates cravings.
4. I worked hard at my job and proved myself to be an asset, so my promotion was a fairly gettable reward for my efforts.
5. The customer always wants what they can't get, so when something seems easily gettable they lose interest.
6. My dream house is currently out of my gettable price range, but I'm working on a plan to someday make it attainable.
7. I love the thrill of the hunt, but once something becomes easily gettable it loses its appeal for me.
8. If we make the deal any sweeter, it will be too gettable and we'll lose our competitive advantage.
9. The gold medal felt attainable and gettable when I was training hard and focused, but now I'm starting to doubt myself.
10. Anything is gettable if you work hard and stay determined to get there.
11. The most desired items are rarely the most gettable ones.
12. Some of life's most valuable things cannot be bought or forced; they must be earned through effort and patience to become truly gettable.
13. I know that promotion seems out of reach now, but if I keep working hard and performing well, it will eventually become gettable.
14. My son learned an early lesson about the difference between wants and needs when he realized video games were not a gettable expense on his allowance.
15. Most people can't get what they want right away; to make things gettable requires strategic effort and persistence over time.
16. The theater tickets were cheaper than I expected and suddenly seemed very gettable on my small budget.
17. When success feels unattainable, break it down into smaller, gettable goals that build up over time.
18. The sooner you start working toward your dreams, the sooner they become gettable realities.
19. My raise will depend on this presentation going well, so I'm making sure every detail is perfect to make it as gettable as possible.
20. My friend's vintage Ferrari was once gettable if you had enough money, but now it's priceless due to its rarity and history.
21. While a private jet may be out of my income's gettable range currently, I have other priorities I'm focused on first.
22. The store had the latest iPhone on sale, and suddenly it became a gettable luxury I decided to treat myself to.
23. When success seems too gettable or easily achieved, it often lacks meaning and satisfaction.
24. My best investments have always been the more gettable ones that offer reasonable returns for consistent effort.
25. Small rewards at achievable levels help maintain motivation until larger goals become gettable over time.
26. Make your dreams seem gettable by celebrating progress toward them, no matter how small, along the way.
27. The harder I had to fight to achieve something, the more gettable and valuable it felt once I had it.
28. With patience and perseverance, opportunities that once seemed out of reach become increasingly gettable.
29. Good things come to those who wait, but only if you work hard to make them gettable through your effort.
30. When something valuable is unattainable, I stop wanting it. But when it becomes gettable through hard work, I'll do whatever it takes.
31. The less gettable a dream seems at first, the more fulfilling the journey to make it attainable.
32. Setting more realistic, gettable goals helped motivate me when my loftier ambitions felt unachievable.
33. Money is just a limited resource to make other gettable things possible. True wealth comes from within.
34. I resisted temptation and saved my money for something truly gettable and worthwhile in the long run.
35. The scholarship once felt unattainable, but through hard work and dedication, it eventually became a gettable prize for my efforts.
36. Some of my greatest accomplishments started out as distant dreams that only became gettable through persistence and small steps forward each day.
37. True happiness comes from within; no amount of money can buy it - only take action to make it gettable within yourself.
38. Some things take more time to become gettable, but the wait makes success all the sweeter when you finally achieve your goals.
39. Even plans that seem unrealistic now can become increasingly gettable as you take consistent action towards them over time.
40. Never stop dreaming big, but start with the smallest, most gettable steps that build momentum toward making those dreams a reality one day.
41. The secret to gettable success is starting where you are and working with what you have, no matter how limited it feels.
42. Striving for the distant dream keeps the closer goals feel gettable and within reach along your journey.
43. Don't be discouraged by how far away your goal seems; focus instead on how gettable the next small step toward it is right now.
44. Setting gettable goals that challenge without overwhelming helps keep progress on track toward bigger dreams down the road.
45. What matters most is taking the next step, however small, that makes your goal feel a little more gettable today than it did yesterday.
46. The most valuable lessons are learned through struggles toward what once seemed unattainable but eventually became a gettable reality through effort.
47. Look for opportunities that match your current abilities and resources to build momentum and confidence that more challenging ones will become gettable down the line.
48. The harder I had to fight for something, the more gettable and rewarding it felt once I finally got it.
49. Never get discouraged by how far away your goals seem; focus instead on how gettable the next smallest step toward them is right now.
50. Stay focused on what you can control today to make that one small thing happen that will bring your dreams one step closer to becoming gettable realities.
51. There is no straight path; success comes in small, gettable increments that build over time into something greater than you imagined.
52. Tomorrow's breakthroughs start with today's baby steps towards making even distantly gettable goals feel a little closer each day.
53. Make a plan with gettable checkpoints along the way that break big goals into smaller, more achievable milestones.
54. My friend's yacht may never be a gettable expense for me, but I can still dream of one day taking a sailboat out on the open water.
55. Focus on the process, not the prize; on what you can control each day to make progress toward even the most distant gettable goals.
56. Stay determined, keep at it, and even the least gettable dreams will eventually become achievable realities through small steps forward each day.
57. Hard work and patience made that watch seem less expensive and more gettable than it had before.
58. Impatience keeps opportunities from becoming gettable; only through perseverance do they become achievable realities.
59. Focus on what you can control to make progress toward your goals, however small, which will eventually make even the most distant dreams seem gettable.
60. Don't get discouraged; start where you are and do what you can to make that next small step happen that brings your goals one bit closer to becoming attainable, gettable realities.

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