Gibe example sentences
Related (10): mock, jeer, taunt, ridicule, insult, tease, sarcasm, deride, scoff, scorn
jibe (noun) · jibes (plural noun) · gibe (noun) · gibes (plural noun)
- an insulting or mocking remark; a taunt:
- make insulting or mocking remarks; jeer:
gibe (verb)
- be in accord; agree:
taunt, sneer, jeer, insult, barb, dig, wisecrack, crack, jeer, taunt, mock, scoff, sneer"Gibe" Example Sentences
1. The bully hurled gibe after gibe at the smaller boy.
2. Her sarcastic remarks were thinly veiled gibes at his expense.
3. The crowd greeted the losing team with jeers and gibes.
4. His jocular manner hid the barbed gibes directed at his opponent.
5. The comedian's crude gibes elicited laughter and groans from the audience in equal measure.
6. She ignored his biting gibes and kept her composure.
7. His gibing remarks finally provoked an angry response.
8. The insulting gibes from her coworkers eventually made her snap.
9. The speaker dealt deftly with the hecklers' gibing interruptions.
10. Her mother's constant gibes about her weight caused self-esteem issues.
11. The teacher silenced the students' gibe-laden outbursts.
12. His gibing wit could be hurtful at times.
13. The comedian's constant racial gibes felt offensive rather than funny.
14. Turn the other cheek to their gibing words.
15. The courteous host would not sink to his guest's level of gibe and insult.
16. The audience greeted the comedian's gibes with groans.
17. Though she knew it was an empty gibe, the insult still hurt.
18. The two rivals constantly traded gibes and insults.
19. Ignore his gibing; he's just attempting to provoke a reaction.
20. The rival's parting gibe stung worse than his direct attacks.
21. The politician shrugged off his opponent's baseless gibes.
22. She didn't rise to the bait of his mocking gibe.
23. His sarcastic gibe about her weight still haunted her decades later.
24. Her coworker's unthinking gibe reopened old wounds.
25. Though he smiled as he delivered the gibe, they could all see it had wounded her.
26. The politician countered his rival's gibes with humor and grace.
27. She refused to sink to the level of personal gibing and insults.
28. The stand-up comic delivered a barrage of gibes about the audience members.
29. The mean-spirited gibe about her haircut ruined her day.
30. His biting gibes masked deep insecurity.
31. The comedian received mixed reactions to his constant racial gibing.
32. She threw a gibe his way about his love life.
33.His gibing wit got old quickly.
34. The audience was split between those who found the comedian's political gibes funny and those who were offended.
35. His constant gibing gave her a complex about her abilities.
36. His parting gibe was a reminder of all the others that came before.
37. The comedian's seeming endless stream of harmless gibes eventually grew wearying.
38. The heckler's gibes were too inane to merit a response.
39. She shrugged off his latest gibe with grace.
40. His attempts at gibing only made him appear petty and small-minded.
41. His constant gibing finally provoked a heated response from her.
42. Her gibing smile could not completely conceal the deeper anger beneath.
43. The politician tried to brush off his rival's numerous gibes with dignity.
44. The crowd laughed at the comedian's cutting gibes.
45. His gibes were so off-base she couldn't even muster a reaction to them.
46. Children often resort to gibing and name-calling when they run out of rational arguments.
47. Though she pretended his gibes did not hurt her, they cut deep.
48. She lost count of how many gibing remarks he made at her expense.
49. His compliments seem hollow after years of barbed gibes.
50. His gibing wit somehow managed to entertain and offend at the same time.
51. He responded to her gibing question with good-natured humor.
52. After a lifetime of hurtful gibes, she finally snapped.
53. The comedian tried to apologize after his racial gibes caused an uproar.
54. They resolved to leave their petty gibing behind.
55. The comedian's gibes struck too close to home.
56. His rude gibing finally drew an angry reprimand from the teacher.
57. Her mother's constant gibing made her feel worthless.
58. The politician tried to rise above his rival's low gibing and personal attacks.
59. His mocking gibes soon grew tiresome.
60. The audience roared with laughter at the comedian's constant gibing at the expense of hecklers.
Common Phases
1. Barbed gibe
This phrase means an insulting or sarcastic remark with malice intended to hurt or offend.
2. Biting gibe
An extremely cutting and stingingly sarcastic remark intended to wound the recipient.
3. Cutting gibe
A sharp and deeply hurtful taunt or sneer.
4. Mean-spirited gibe
An insulting remark said with malice and intended to cause emotional distress.
5. Empty gibe
A sarcastic, insulting remark that lacks any real substance or truth behind it.
6. Rise above the gibing
To refuse to engage or retaliate against taunting insults and maintain dignity.
7. Not rise to the gibe
To refuse to take the bait of a provocative insult and respond angrily.
8. Shrug off the gibe
To dismiss an insult or taunt as meaningless or undeserved.
9. Trade gibes
To bandy taunting insults back and forth.
10. Brush off gibes
To ignore or casually disregard taunting or provocative insults.
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