Nemesis example sentences

Related (10): rival, antagonist, foe, opponent, adversary, archenemy, enemy, challenger, combatant, contender

"Nemesis" Example Sentences

1. Lex Luthor was Superman's nemesis.
2. Magneto was the X-Men's long-standing nemesis.
3. His academic nemesis constantly challenged him in class.
4. His recurring nemesis always seemed to spoil his plans.
5. Running is my nemesis; I can't stand it.
6. Calculus was my math nemesis in school.
7. The villain was the hero's nemesis who always sought to destroy him.
8. Public speaking was her greatest nemesis and source of anxiety.
9. Mornings were her nemesis; she could never function before noon.
10. Getting out of bed on time is my nemesis; I'm always running late.
11. Workplace gossip was her nemesis and the source of endless drama.
12. The villainess became the heroine's nemesis after their chance encounter.
13. Slow Internet was the entire office's nemesis, hindering productivity.
14. His nemesis constantly plotted to get revenge and destroy him.
15. Equipment malfunctions were the engineer's nemesis, causing deadline delays.
16. Heavy traffic was the delivery driver's nemesis, slowing him down constantly.
17. Her nemesis at work always tried to one-up her and make her look bad.
18. Stairs were his nemesis; he avoided them whenever possible.
19. Organized closets were her nemesis; nothing ever stayed in its place.
20. Mornings were her nemesis; she struggled to wake up and get out of bed.
21. Her childhood nemesis liked to bully and torment her.
22. Grammar was his nemesis; he could never remember the rules properly.
23. The hero and his longtime nemesis finally reached their final showdown.
24. The villain became her magical nemesis after the wand was created.
25. Cold weather was his nemesis; he hated going outside when it was chilly.
26. Calculus homework was the students' nemesis, keeping them up late at night.
27. His longtime nemesis was always plotting to take revenge and destroy him.
28. Early deadlines were her workplace nemesis, causing constant stress.
29. Exams were his nemesis; he struggled with test-taking anxiety.
30. Spiders were her nemesis; she couldn't stand to be in the same room with them.
31. Calculators were his math nemesis; he struggled with basic operations.
32. Technology was her nemesis, constantly frustrating her with its complications.
33. Self-doubt was her nemesis, preventing her from achieving her goals.
34. His nemesis always sought revenge for their childhood rivalry.
35. Running was her nemesis; she dreaded exercise of any kind.
36. Stairs were her lifelong nemesis; she avoided them whenever possible.
37. Negativity was his nemesis; he struggled to stay positive.
38. Organization was her nemesis; she could never keep things tidy.
39. Calculus was their nemesis; the equations never seemed to make sense.
40. Narrow spaces were his nemesis; he avoided tight squeezes.
41. Wakefulness was his nemesis; he struggled with insomnia.
42. Financial planning was her nemesis; she always seemed to overspend.
43. Procrastination was his nemesis; he always put things off until the last minute.
44. Unpredictable schedules were her nemesis; she liked routine and stability.
45. His rival became his nemesis after their chance encounter.
46. Darkness was her nemesis; she feared what lurked in the shadows.
47. Quick math was his nemesis; he struggled with mental calculations.
48. Spicy foods were her nemesis; she avoided anything with too much heat.
49. Laziness was his nemesis; it kept him from reaching his full potential.
50. Schedule changes were her nemesis; she needed advance notice.
51. Multi-tasking was his nemesis; he could only focus on one thing at a time.
52. Panic attacks were her nemesis; they often struck without warning.
53. Sinister forces became his lifelong nemesis after an encounter as a child.
54. Sudden noises were her nemesis; they often startled her.
55. Her childhood nemesis had always bullied and tormented her.
56. The size of his nemesis constantly challenged him to develop new strategies.
57. His longtime nemesis finally caused his downfall after years of attempts.
58. The villain became her magical nemesis after stealing her powers.
59. Excuses were her nemesis; she avoided self-blame and owned her mistakes.
60. Social anxiety was his nemesis; he struggled with public interactions.

Common Phases

1. He had finally defeated his longtime nemesis in the championship match.
2. The Rogue Rhinocerous had been Spyro's arch nemesis for years.
3. Lex Luthor was Superman's greatest nemesis.
4. Professor Moriarty was Sherlock Holmes' nemesis.
5. The Joker was Batman's nemesis.
6. Voldemort was Harry Potter's nemesis.
7. Nemesis seemed to stalk him wherever he went.
8. Her nemesis at school had made her life miserable for years.
9. Public speaking was her ultimate nemesis.
10. Cockroaches were his nemesis, they made his skin crawl.
11. Nemesis spurs people to greater heights by challenging them.
12. Traffic was his daily nemesis, turning his commute into a nightmare.
13. Butterflies were her nemesis as a child, she was terrified of them.
14. Social anxiety had become his silent nemesis, sabotaging his relationships.
15. Math had been my childhood nemesis, I struggled with it immensely.
16. Fear was his greatest nemesis, preventing him from achieving his dreams.
17. For athletes, injuries often become a nemesis, threatening everything they've worked for.
18. Poor time management had been his nemesis in college, causing him to fall behind.
19. Self-doubt can become a nemesis if left unchecked, stopping us from reaching our potential.
20. Procrastination was her nemesis, leaving everything to the last minute.
21. Laziness was their collective nemesis, keeping them from accomplishing their goals.
22. He faced his nemesis across the stage, preparing for their final showdown.
23. She stared down her longtime nemesis, ready to finally put an end to the feud.
24. His nemesis taunted him from the mirror, symbolizing the negative parts of himself he needed to conquer.
25. Nemesis filled her with purpose, giving her someone to prove wrong and correct perceptions of.
26. The corporate ladder had become her nemesis, causing her endless stress in chasing promotions.
27. She confronted her nemesis in the ring, gearing up for an epic battle of styles.
28. His nemesis had an unexpected weakness he could exploit to gain the upper hand.
29. The fate of the world hung in the balance as the hero battled his nemesis.
30. Toxic relationships can become a nemesis, sucking the joy from your life.
31. Calculus was his nemesis in college, leading to countless sleepless nights.
32. The rival corporation had become their nemesis, fighting for the same customers.
33. Their nemesis laughed maniacally, confident that no one could stop his dastardly plan.
34. Nemesis motivates us to develop the skills needed to defeat it.
35. He had finally defeated his lifelong nemesis and was leaving it behind him.
36. Public speaking became his nemesis during the interview, causing him to stumble over his words.
37. Competition drives us to overcome our nemeses and achieve excellence.
38. Sleep had become her nemesis, constantly eluding her at night.
39. Criticism was her nemesis, causing her to doubt even her best efforts.
40. The villain taunted the hero, declaring themselves eternal nemeses.
41. Self-doubt can become a nemesis if we give it too much power over our lives.
42. Nature is the nemesis of the architect, slowly degrading even the best-designed structures.
43. Technology frequently becomes our nemesis, distracting us from what truly matters.
44. Negativity acts as a nemesis, poisoning our minds with unreasonable fears.
45. Time is the ultimate nemesis, overcoming everything in its path.
46. Indecision can become a nemesis, paralyzing us with too many choices.
47. Boredom can become our nemesis if we don't take action to fill our lives with meaning.
48. His nemesis schemed furiously, plotting revenge for their last encounter.
49. The heroine faced down her childhood nemesis, finally ready to confront her past.
50. Anger can become our nemesis if it clouds our thinking and poisons our words.
51. Asthma had become her nemesis lately, triggering attacks at the worst times.
52. Complacency acts as a nemesis, lulling us into a false sense of contentment.
53. Unmet expectations often become our nemesis, leading to discontentment.
54. The villain taunted his nemesis, reveling in the fact they would never succeed.
55. Addictions frequently become our nemesis, taking control of our thoughts and actions.
56. Stress acts as a nemesis, damaging our health if left unchecked.
57. She faced her nemesis in court, arguing passionately for justice to be done.
58. His lifelong nemesis haunted his dreams, taunting him with memories of past defeats.
59. The heroine's archnemesis schemed against her, desperate for revenge.
60. Negative self-talk often becomes our nemesis, undermining our confidence and success.

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