Glooming example sentences

Related (7): Darkening, dulling, shadowing, obscure, overcast, clouding, blackening.

"Glooming" Example Sentences

1. The sky was glooming as the storm clouds rolled in.
2. The air had a glooming chill in it that made me shiver.
3. The forest was glooming with shadows as the sun set.
4. She had a glooming expression on her face when she heard the news.
5. The entire city looked glooming during the blackout.
6. The old house had a glooming atmosphere that made it seem haunted.
7. The sound of the howling wind added to the glooming mood.
8. The glooming colors of the sunset were a sight to behold.
9. The thunderstorm created a glooming symphony of lightning and thunder.
10. His glooming thoughts prevented him from enjoying the party.
11. The battlefield was a glooming sight with debris and smoke.
12. The dark alley had a glooming aura that made me uncomfortable.
13. The painting captured the glooming essence of the gothic era.
14. The sea was glooming with bioluminescent plankton at night.
15. The abandoned amusement park had a glooming sadness to it.
16. The snowstorm created a glooming whiteout.
17. The black clouds in the sky were a glooming omen.
18. The forest was glooming with danger at night.
19. The room had a glooming quality with its dim lighting.
20. The tension in the air was glooming as the negotiations continued.
21. The city streets were glooming with the reflections of rain puddles.
22. The haunted mansion had a glooming vibe that inspired fear in visitors.
23. The fall leaves had a glooming beauty before they withered away.
24. The call of the owl added to the glooming mystery of the woods.
25. The cave was glooming and eerie with its stalactites and stalagmites.
26. The sea was glooming with dark clouds on the horizon.
27. The carnival had a glooming aspect with its sinister clowns and dark attractions.
28. The abandoned hospital had a glooming energy that made it feel alive.
29. The sky turned glooming during the solar eclipse and created an otherworldly atmosphere.
30. The ancient ruins were a glooming reminder of a long-lost civilization.

Common Phases

1. The sky is glooming over the horizon; it looks like it's going to rain.
2. His mood became glooming; he didn't speak much during the rest of the party.
3. The room was glooming with shadows; it was eerie and unsettling.
4. She stared gloomily out the window; lost in her own thoughts.
5. The city was glooming with lights; it was a beautiful sight to behold.
6. His gaze was glooming with anger; he was not happy with the situation.
7. The atmosphere was glooming with tension; everyone in the room could sense it.
8. The future seems to be glooming with uncertainty; no one knows what the future holds.
9. The weather has been glooming lately; it's been cloudy and overcast for days.
10. The old house was glooming with mystery; it was said to be haunted by its former residents.

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