Glumness example sentences

Related (6): Sadness, Melancholy, Gloom, Despondency, Depression, Dejection.

"Glumness" Example Sentences

1. The cloudy day brought with it a sense of glumness.
2. The teacher's glumness was palpable as she graded the poorly written essays.
3. The loss of the game created a sense of glumness among the team.
4. The long wait in the airport terminal was filled with glumness.
5. The news of the company downsizing brought a sense of glumness throughout the office.
6. The end of summer brought a sense of glumness as the days got shorter and colder.
7. The funeral procession created an atmosphere of glumness among the mourning family and friends.
8. The failed attempt at love left him with a deep sense of glumness.
9. The dreary weather added to the overall glumness of the day.
10. The expression on his face displayed a great sense of glumness and disappointment.
11. The breakup of the band left the lead singer with a deep sense of glumness.
12. The news of the cancer diagnosis brought a sense of glumness to the entire family.
13. The movie's ending left the audience feeling a sense of glumness and despair.
14. The empty streets at night added to the overall glumness of the city.
15. The loss of the championship game resulted in a feeling of glumness for the entire team.
16. The quiet room seemed to carry a sense of glumness.
17. The rainy day only added to the overall glumness of the already somber funeral.
18. The failed business venture left the entrepreneur with a deep sense of glumness.
19. The overcast day only contributed to the overall glumness of the already dreary atmosphere.
20. The divorce left both parties with a lingering feeling of glumness and sadness.
21. The disappointing sales numbers resulted in a sense of glumness throughout the company.
22. The sudden loss of the beloved family pet created a sense of glumness for all who knew and loved him.
23. The empty park on a rainy day added to the overall glumness of the city.
24. The quiet library was filled with a sense of glumness and despair.
25. The failed attempt at the new recipe left a sense of glumness in the otherwise happy kitchen.
26. The stormy weather created an atmosphere of glumness among the usually upbeat town.
27. The loss of the job created a feeling of glumness and uncertainty for the future.
28. The quiet museum carried a sense of glumness under the watchful eye of the paintings.
29. The empty theater created a sense of glumness for the cast who waited in the wings.
30. The breakup left a sense of glumness in the air as the couple went their separate ways.

Common Phases

1. The glumness in the room was palpable; nobody wanted to speak.
2. He couldn't shake his glumness after the bad news.
3. The rainy weather brought a sense of glumness to the usually cheerful town.
4. She tried to hide her glumness from her friends, but they could tell something was wrong.
5. Despite their best efforts, the party was plagued with glumness all evening.
6. His perpetual glumness was becoming hard to handle for those around him.
7. The news of the job loss cast a shadow of glumness over the entire family.
8. The silence in the car was filled with a heavy glumness that neither of them could shake.

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