Grippe example sentences
Related (11): influenza, flu, virus, fever, cough, sneezing, fatigue, pandemic, vaccine, prevention, treatment.
"Grippe" Example Sentences
1. The grippe epidemic caused widespread panic.2. I got my annual grippe vaccination at the doctor's office.
3. My grandmother's grippe symptoms ranged from fever to body aches.
4. Despite feeling sick with the grippe, she dragged herself out of bed to go to work.
5. The grippe virus is highly contagious and can be easily spread through respiratory droplets.
6. During the grippe season, it's important to wash your hands frequently and avoid touching your face.
7. His grippe symptoms were so severe that he had to be hospitalized.
8. The grippe vaccine can reduce the severity of the illness if you still get infected.
9. The grippe has a higher mortality rate in older adults and those with weakened immune systems.
10. The grippe can cause complications like pneumonia, bronchitis, and sinus infections.
11. She was feeling better after taking some medicine for her grippe symptoms.
12. The grippe outbreak had a major impact on the local economy as people stayed home from work and school.
13. The grippe virus mutates each year, which is why you need a new vaccine annually.
14. I didn't take the grippe seriously until I got sick myself and realized how terrible it was.
15. The grippe is sometimes called the "flu," but it's not the same as stomach flu.
16. People who have the grippe are often advised to rest and stay hydrated.
17. The grippe spreads quickly in crowded areas like schools and public transportation.
18. Her grippe symptoms were so bad that she couldn't even get out of bed.
19. The grippe epidemic was declared a public health emergency by the government.
20. I always get the grippe vaccine before traveling to high-risk areas.
21. The grippe can be particularly dangerous for pregnant women and their unborn babies.
22. The grippe season typically starts in the fall and lasts through the winter months.
23. The grippe can cause complications in people with underlying health conditions like diabetes or asthma.
24. The grippe can lead to dehydration and electrolyte imbalances if left untreated.
25. Even if you don't have the grippe, it's important to cover your mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing to prevent its spread.
26. The grippe vaccine is recommended for anyone over the age of 6 months.
27. Some common grippe symptoms include coughing, congestion, and fatigue.
28. The grippe can be fatal in rare cases, especially in young children and the elderly.
29. People who are at high risk for complications from the grippe should seek medical attention if they start to feel sick.
30. The grippe can be diagnosed with a simple blood test.
Common Phases
1. J'ai attrapé la grippe ; je suis fiévreux.2. La grippe est très contagieuse ; reste à la maison si tu te sens malade.
3. Mon collègue est malade avec la grippe ; j'ai peur de l'attraper.
4. Il est recommandé de se faire vacciner contre la grippe ; cela peut aider à prévenir la maladie.
5. La grippe est souvent accompagnée de maux de tête ; cela peut être très douloureux.
6. Si vous avez la grippe ; il est important de boire beaucoup d'eau pour rester hydraté.
7. La grippe peut causer des complications graves ; assurez-vous de consulter un médecin si vous avez des symptômes graves.
8. La prévention est la clé pour éviter la grippe ; lavez-vous régulièrement les mains et évitez les contacts étroits avec les personnes malades.
9. Les enfants et les personnes âgées sont plus vulnérables à la grippe ; assurez-vous qu'ils sont vaccinés pour leur protection.
10. Si vous avez la grippe ; il est important de vous reposer et de prendre des médicaments pour soulager les symptômes.
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