Grosser example sentences
Related (4): salesman, exaggerator, collector, profit
grosser (noun) · grossers (plural noun)
- a movie that earns a specified level of gross profit or income:
grosser (comparative adjective)
- (especially of wrongdoing) very obvious and unacceptable; blatant:
- (of income, profit, or interest) without deduction of tax or other contributions; total. Often contrasted with net.
- (of weight) including all contents, fittings, wrappings, or other variable items; overall:
- (of a score in golf) as actually played, without taking handicap into account.
- very rude or coarse; vulgar:
- unattractively large or bloated:
- very unpleasant; repulsive:
- general or large-scale; not fine or detailed:
flagrant, blatant, glaring, obvious, overt, evident, conspicuous, naked, barefaced, shameless, brazen, audacious, undisguised, unconcealed, patent, transparent, manifest, palpable, utter, complete, outrageous, scandalous, shocking, disgraceful, reprehensible, dreadful, terrible, enormous, heinous, atrocious, monstrous, wicked, iniquitous, villainous, arrant, minor, net, total, whole, entire, complete, full, overall, comprehensive, aggregate, net, vulgar, coarse, crude, obscene, rude, ribald, lewd, bawdy, dirty, filthy, earthy, smutty, indecent, indelicate, improper, impure, unseemly, offensive, pornographic, sleazy, porno, porn, raunchy, naughty, blue, steamy, spicy, fruity, saucy, gamy, adult, concupiscent, boorish, loutish, oafish, thuggish, brutish, bearish, Neanderthal, philistine, uncouth, unsavory, crass, common, unrefined, unsophisticated, uncultured, uncultivated, undiscriminating, tasteless, insensitive, unfeeling, imperceptive, callous, cloddish, slobbish, plebby, clodhopping, yobbish, ocker, pure, refined, obese, corpulent, overweight, fat, big, large, outsize, outsized, massive, immense, huge, colossal, fleshy, flabby, portly, bloated, bulky, lumpish, hulking, porky, pudgy, tubby, blubbery, podgy, fubsy, pursy, abdominous, slender, disgusting, repellent, repulsive, abhorrent, loathsome, detestable, sickening, nauseating, nauseous, unpalatable, unappetizing, uninviting, unsavory, distasteful, foul, nasty, obnoxious, odious, vomitous, yucky, icky, grotty, disgustful, lovely, Legal"Grosser" Example Sentences
1. The dead fish smell was grosser than I expected.2. The cockroach was even grosser than the spider.
3. I feel grosser after eating fast food.
4. The mold growing on the leftover food was grosser than usual.
5. My brother's burps are getting grosser by the day.
6. The sludge in the drain is getting grosser.
7. The foot odor from my shoes is getting grosser.
8. The mountain of dirty laundry is only getting grosser.
9. The bathroom smells grosser every time my roommate uses it.
10. The overflowing trash can is getting grosser.
11. The amount of dust in my room is grosser than I thought.
12. The pile of dirty dishes is grosser than I expected.
13. The stain on my shirt is getting grosser.
14. The cut on my finger seems to be getting grosser.
15. The smell of cigarettes is getting grosser.
16. The pile of dog poop in the yard is getting grosser.
17. The pool is getting grosser due to the algae buildup.
18. The smell of the gym locker room is getting grosser.
19. The mold on the shower curtain is getting grosser.
20. The old A/C unit is making the air even grosser.
21. The smell of burnt popcorn is getting grosser by the second.
22. The expired milk in the fridge is getting grosser.
23. The grease stains on my clothes are getting grosser.
24. The flu symptoms are making me feel grosser.
25. The smell of the expired dog food is getting grosser.
26. The dirty air filter is making the air quality even grosser.
27. The leftover takeaway food smells grosser than ever.
28. The pile of old newspapers is getting grosser.
29. The hair clogging the drain is getting grosser.
30. The mildew in the shower is getting grosser.
Common Phases
1. The grosser the mess, the harder it is to clean;2. The grosser the food, the less likely I am to eat it;
3. The grosser the smell, the more it lingers;
4. The grosser the joke, the more uncomfortable I feel;
5. The grosser the injury, the more painful it is;
6. The grosser the insect, the faster I run away;
7. The grosser the thought, the more I cringe;
8. The grosser the weather, the more I stay indoors;
9. The grosser the sight, the more I want to look away;
10. The grosser the sensation, the more I recoil.
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