Grosswe example sentences



gross (adjective) · grosser (comparative adjective) · grossest (superlative adjective)

  - (especially of wrongdoing) very obvious and unacceptable; blatant:

  - (of income, profit, or interest) without deduction of tax or other contributions; total. Often contrasted with net.

  - (of weight) including all contents, fittings, wrappings, or other variable items; overall:

  - (of a score in golf) as actually played, without taking handicap into account.

  - very rude or coarse; vulgar:

  - unattractively large or bloated:

  - very unpleasant; repulsive:

  - general or large-scale; not fine or detailed:

  - without tax or other contributions having been deducted:

  - produce or earn (an amount of money) as gross profit or income:

  - an amount equal to twelve dozen; 144:

  - a gross profit or income:


flagrant, blatant, glaring, obvious, overt, evident, conspicuous, naked, barefaced, shameless, brazen, audacious, undisguised, unconcealed, patent, transparent, manifest, palpable, utter, complete, outrageous, scandalous, shocking, disgraceful, reprehensible, dreadful, terrible, enormous, heinous, atrocious, monstrous, wicked, iniquitous, villainous, arrant, minor, net, total, whole, entire, complete, full, overall, comprehensive, aggregate, net, vulgar, coarse, crude, obscene, rude, ribald, lewd, bawdy, dirty, filthy, earthy, smutty, indecent, indelicate, improper, impure, unseemly, offensive, pornographic, sleazy, porno, porn, raunchy, naughty, blue, steamy, spicy, fruity, saucy, gamy, adult, concupiscent, boorish, loutish, oafish, thuggish, brutish, bearish, Neanderthal, philistine, uncouth, unsavory, crass, common, unrefined, unsophisticated, uncultured, uncultivated, undiscriminating, tasteless, insensitive, unfeeling, imperceptive, callous, cloddish, slobbish, plebby, clodhopping, yobbish, ocker, pure, refined, obese, corpulent, overweight, fat, big, large, outsize, outsized, massive, immense, huge, colossal, fleshy, flabby, portly, bloated, bulky, lumpish, hulking, porky, pudgy, tubby, blubbery, podgy, fubsy, pursy, abdominous, slender, disgusting, repellent, repulsive, abhorrent, loathsome, detestable, sickening, nauseating, nauseous, unpalatable, unappetizing, uninviting, unsavory, distasteful, foul, nasty, obnoxious, odious, vomitous, yucky, icky, grotty, disgustful, lovely, earn, make, take, get, receive, fetch, draw, collect, bag

"Grosswe" Example Sentences

1. I can't stand the grossness of this dish.
2. The smell of the garbage is absolutely gross.
3. The movie was popular, despite the gross displeasure of some critics.
4. The gross weight of the package was more than 50 pounds.
5. I had to gross out of the room when I saw the spider.
6. The produce was absolutely gross and rotten.
7. The amount of food wasted in this restaurant is gross.
8. Her behavior towards her coworkers was gross and unprofessional.
9. The gross misunderstanding between the two parties led to a huge conflict.
10. The increase in pollution is leading to gross health problems.
11. The company's gross revenue surpassed expectations.
12. His use of foul language was gross and unnecessary.
13. The idea of eating insect burgers is gross to some people.
14. The gross negligence of the doctor resulted in a patient's death.
15. Taxes make up a large portion of the gross income for most people.
16. The long lines at the amusement park were a gross inconvenience.
17. The gross injustice of the verdict led to protests in the streets.
18. The wet, squishy feeling of the mud between my toes was gross.
19. The gross incompetence of the driver almost caused an accident.
20. The reality show was so gross that I had to turn it off.
21. The gross profit margin for the company was much higher than expected.
22. The condition of the public restroom was absolutely gross.
23. The gross disparity between the rich and poor is a serious issue.
24. She found the idea of swimming in the lake to be gross and unsanitary.
25. The gross exaggeration in the news article caused a public outcry.
26. The level of violence in the movie was gross and unnecessary.
27. The gross underfunding of the local school district has led to many problems.
28. The gym locker room was so gross that I decided to shower at home.
29. The gross increase in housing prices has led to many people being priced out of the market.
30. Her use of spray-on tan was so gross that it left an orange hue on everything she touched.

Common Phases

1. Grosswe, who do you think you are?
2. Grosswe, can you please speak up?
3. Grosswe, what is your opinion on this matter?
4. Grosswe, where did you get that idea?
5. Grosswe, could you pass me the salt?
6. Grosswe, I don't think that's a good idea.
7. Grosswe, can I borrow your pen for a moment?
8. Grosswe, have you finished your work yet?
9. Grosswe, can you please explain that to me again?
10. Grosswe, are you feeling okay?

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