Guarding example sentences

Related (9): protecting, securing, watching, defending, sheltering, supervising, patrolling, shielding, screening

"Guarding" Example Sentences

1. The armed soldier was guarding the entrance.
2. The dogs were guarding the perimeter of the property.
3. I stood guarding the door to make sure no one entered.
4. The police were guarding the crime scene.
5. The security guards were guarding the building.
6. The sentry stood guarding the gate.
7. The watchtower looked out over the land, guarding for intruders.
8. The police car sat outside, guarding the house.
9. The bodyguards were constantly guarding the president.
10. The secret service agents were guarding the president around the clock.
11. The parents took turns guarding the infant at night.
12. The parents were constantly guarding the toddler.
13. Angel statues guarded either side of the entrance.
14. Gargoyles stood guarding the roof corners.
15. The lion statues were guarding the entrance to the estate.
16. Cerberus stood guarding the gates of the underworld.
17. The security guard stood guarding the front doors.
18. The coast guard was guarding the shoreline for illegal immigrants.
19. Soldiers stood guarding the palace gates.
20. Sentinels guarded the hallowed halls.
21. The goalkeeper was guarding the net.
22. Firefighters guarded the perimeter of the forest fire.
23. The thieves were caught guarding their loot.
24. Tombs were guarded by ancient warrior statues.
25. The castles were guarded by moats and drawbridges.
26. She stood guarding the baby carriage.
27. The mother eagle guarded her nest of eggs.
28. The old oak tree guarded the farmyard gateway.
29. The family dog guarded the house dutifully.
30. The police guarded the football stadium during the riot.
31. The mother hen guarded her chicks jealously.
32. The old oak tree had long guarded the entrance to the lane.
33. Sentinels stood guarding the temple gate.
34. Dragon statues were often used to guard entrances and gates.
35. The nuns guard the convent gate day and night.
36. The child's favorite toy was a stuffed bear guarding her bed.
37. The soldiers guarded the enemy's prisoners of war.
38. The stag stood guarding his herd of females.
39. The border patrol guarded the nation's frontiers.
40. The English bulldog is famous for guarding its master's house.
41. She guarded her secrets jealously.
42. He guarded his plan carefully, telling no one.
43. The nurse stood guarding the child's bedside all night.
44. Mother hen guarded her chicks with fierce protectiveness.
45. The refuge worker guarded the children's trauma with compassion.
46. The guard dogs were vicious in guarding their master's property.
47. The worn lion statues still faithfully guarded the gates.
48. The wizard guarded the treasure cave jealously.
49. The rebels guarded the secret passageway into the castle.
50. The mother bear guarded her cubs from the hunter's gun.
51. The child guarded her blanket like a precious treasure.
52. The spiked fence guarded the secret research facility.
53. He guarded his angry words, not wanting to hurt her feelings.
54. The castle guards vigilantly guarded their posts.
55. The farmer guarded his crops from marauding birds and animals.
56. The guards stood vigilantly guarding the prison gates.
57. She guarded her reputation like a priceless jewel.
58. The lion statue has long been guarding the library entrance.
59. The guards vigilantly guarded the prisoners through the night.
60. The soldiers faithfully guarded the tomb of the unknown soldier.

Common Phases

1. On guard - Being alert and watchful to detect danger or threat.
2. Stand guard - To remain in a defensive position, ready to protect something.
3. Keep guard - To remain observant and watchful, especially to prevent intrusion.
4. Mount guard - To take up a position to watch over and protect something.
5. Guard duty - The task of maintaining vigilance to protect something valuable.
6. Take turns guarding - To alternate the responsibility of watching over something.
7. Guard jealously - To protect possession of something with extreme care and vigilance.
8. Guard against - To defend or protect against something threatening.
9. Guard with one's life - To protect something so determinedly that one would risk death to do so.
10. Faithfully guard - To protect and watch over something resolutely and unwaveringly.

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