Gulp example sentences

Related (1): swallow

"Gulp" Example Sentences

1. I gulped down the water in one go.
2. He gulped nervously as he waited for the interviewer's question.
3. As I stood at the edge of the high diving board, I took a deep breath and gulped.
4. I gulped down my coffee too fast and burned my tongue.
5. The villain gulped in fear as the heroine approached him with fury in her eyes.
6. My parched throat begged for water as I gulped desperately.
7. I gulped loudly when the professor called me to answer the difficult question.
8. She gulped her tears back as she saw him walk away.
9. I gulped back my fear and made my presentation in front of the crowd.
10. He gulped down the hot soup too quickly and choked on it.
11. She gulped as she saw the dark, spooky house looming ahead.
12. The boy gulped and spoke up timidly to his bully.
13. I gulped and froze when I saw the huge spider on the wall.
14. He gulped and gasped, bolting upright in his sweat-drenched bed.
15. She gulped down the bitter medicine as fast as she could.
16. He gulped down the shot of tequila in one go.
17. I gulped the last bit of soup from my bowl eagerly.
18. She gulped at the sight of the large snake coiled up nearby.
19. I gulped and took a deep breath before telling the difficult truth.
20. He gulped in fear as he saw the monster approaching.
21. I gulped back my sob as I said my final goodbye.
22. My dry throat begged for water as I gulped desperately.
23. The little boy gulped loudly when asked to speak in front of the class.
24. He gulped down the shot of whiskey to give himself courage.
25. I gulped noisily and took another big bite of the delicious pie.
26. The man gulped nervously as he saw his ex-wife walk into the restaurant.
27. She gulped and froze in fear when she saw the large spider on the wall.
28. I gulped down the cold water, instantly quenching my thirst.
29. The thief gulped in fear upon seeing the police car pull up.
30. I gulped and took a deep breath before going onstage.
31. She took a deep breath and gulped before she entered the classroom.
32. The little girl gulped and cried as the doctor came at her with the needle.
33. I gulped down my coffee too quickly and burned my tongue.
34. The man gulped nervously at the sight of the giant roller coaster.
35. I gulped down the shots of tequila one after another.
36. She gulped loudly as the doctor came at her with the needle.
37. The villain gulped in fear at the sight of the angry superhero.
38. I gulped at the sight of the large spider on the wall.
39. He gulped down the cold water, instantly quenching his thirst.
40. She gulped when he suddenly leaned in and kissed her.
41. I gulped as I saw the angry mob approaching.
42. The boy gulped and shrunk back as the bully approached him.
43. I gulped down the bitter medicine as fast as I could.
44. He gulped nervously as the bailiff read out the sentencing.
45. The thief gulped loudly as the police car pulled up.
46. My parched throat begged for water as I gulped desperately.
47. The boy gulped audibly when called on to read aloud in class.
48. She gulped back her sob as she heard the sad news.
49. She gulped loudly at the sight of the large spider in the bathtub.
50. I gulped at the sight of so many strangers in the crowd.
51. I gulped down the shots of tequila one after the other.
52. The little boy gulped loudly when the dentist came at him with the drill.
53. I gulped nervously and took a deep breath before going onstage.
54. She gulped at the sight of the monster approaching.
55. I gulped down the ice cold drink, instantly quenching my thirst.
56. The prisoner gulped as he saw the gallows being prepared.
57. She gulped back her sob as she watched him walk away forever.
58. I gulped loudly as the doctor came at me with the needle.
59. The little girl gulped audibly when called on to read aloud.
60. I gulped and froze when I saw the large spider on the basement floor.

Common Phases

1. He gulped down the liquid in one swig.
2. I gulped nervously as I stood in front of the class.
3. She gulped her coffee and ran out the door.
4. He gulped air as he came up for a breath after the long swim.
5. The alcoholic beverage went down in a gulp.
6. The camper gulped the dirty lake water.
7. I gulped back tears as I told the sad story.
8. I took a massive gulp of water after running up the stairs.
9. The mighty bullfrog gulped down the insects buzzing nearby.
10. She gulped her morning medicine in one sip from the cup.
11. The fish gulped down the worm on the hook.
12. I gulped at the sight of the massive spider.
13. The thirsty traveler gulped down the canteen of water.
14. He gulped air as he came to the surface of the swimming pool.
15. The toddler gulped down the sweet juice from his sippy cup.
16. The dessert disappeared in one giant gulp.
17. I gulped in horror as I saw the condition of the house.
18. The fly gulped down the sugar spilled on the kitchen counter.
19. She gulped loudly, her throat suddenly dry.
20. I gulped in a breath and made my entrance.
21. The athlete gulped down sports drinks between intervals of exercise.
22. The villain's subordinate gulped nervously as the boss approached.
23. The man on the deserted island gulped seawater desperately.
24. The monster gulped down the unsuspecting campers whole.
25. The fish gulped at the dangling worm.
26. I gulped as I stared at the height of the cliff.
27. He gulped the rest of his cold drink in one go.
28. The senator gulped as he saw the poll results on election day.
29. The swimmer gulped water from the pool between laps.
30. The thirsty explorer gulped from his canteen.
31. I could hear her gulping nervously behind the curtain.
32. The athlete gulped down the energy drink.
33. The monster fish gulped the smaller fish in one bite.
34. I gulped in surprise at the news.
35. The dog gulped down the bowl of food in seconds.
36. The frog gulped the flying insect whole.
37. I gulped at the large spider scurrying across the floor.
38. The child gulped the last sip of his chocolate milk.
39. The exhausted hiker gulped at the sight of the water pond.
40. I gulped a breath of air as I reached the surface.
41. With one gulp, the snake swallowed the mouse whole.
42. The pirate gulped the last of his rum.
43. I gulped nervously as I awaited my turn to speak.
44. The whale gulped mouthfuls of krill.
45. The student gulped anxiously as the teacher read out the exam results.
46. I gulped in horror when I saw the spider crawl across my bed.
47. The crocodile gulped down the baby duck whole.
48. I gulped down the cold water to relieve my sore throat.
49. The dinosaur gulped down the triceratops whole.
50. She gulped at the sight of the large cockroach.
51. The juice went down in one giant gulp.
52. The baboon gulped the fruit in one bite.
53. I gulped at the sight of the enormous crowd waiting outside.
54. The fish gulped down the worm and got caught on the hook.
55. The dinosaur gulped down the hatchling whole.
56. The thirsty dog gulped water from its bowl.
57. The soldiers gulped their rations quickly before setting out again.
58. I gulped in fear at the sound of the monster's roar.
59. The snake gulped down the mouse and slithered away.
60. The stranded sailor on the raft gulped down the few drops of rainwater that gathered.

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