Gurnards example sentences

Related (4): fish, edible, spiny, bottom-dwelling

"Gurnards" Example Sentences

1. The fisherman caught a gurnard on his line.
2. Gurnards are usually found in shallow waters.
3. The gurnard's distinctive feature is their large pectoral fins.
4. The gurnard's spiny head helps it deter predators.
5. Have you ever tried cooking gurnard? They make a delicious meal.
6. The gurnard's soft meat makes it a popular seafood choice.
7. The gurnard's bright red color makes it easy to spot in the water.
8. Gurnards are not a commonly targeted fish, but they are fun to catch.
9. The gurnard's unique appearance often causes confusion for novice fishermen.
10. The gurnard is a demersal fish, meaning it lives on or near the bottom of the ocean floor.
11. Gurnards are often called sea robins.
12. The gurnard has been a part of European cuisine since ancient times.
13. Gurnard fishing is popular among recreational fishermen in the UK.
14. The gurnard's large head has been compared to that of a dragon.
15. Gurnards are often used as bait for larger fish, such as cod or haddock.
16. Gurnards have large eyes that help them see in dimly lit waters.
17. The gurnard's intricate coloring helps it blend in with the ocean floor.
18. Gurnards have been known to make clicking noises with their spines.
19. The gurnard's scientific name is Eutrigla gurnardus.
20. Gurnards are most commonly found in the Atlantic Ocean.
21. Gurnards have been previously used in traditional medicine to treat various ailments.
22. The gurnard's spiny fins can be dangerous to handle, but they rarely cause serious injury.
23. Gurnards feed on small fish and crustaceans found on the ocean floor.
24. Commercial fishermen often catch gurnards unintentionally while fishing for other species.
25. Gurnards have a unique mating ritual where the male circles the female while clapping his pectoral fins together.
26. Gurnards are often sold whole, and are known for their mild, sweet taste.
27. Gurnards are sometimes used as a substitute for other white fish in recipes.
28. Gurnards can live up to 20 years in the wild.
29. The gurnard's spines can be used as a natural pigment to dye clothing and textiles.
30. Gurnards are a popular target for sport fishermen due to their exciting fighting spirit.

Common Phases

1. Gurnards are bottom-dwelling fish.
2. Gurnards have distinctive, wing-like pectoral fins.
3. Gurnards are often caught as bycatch in commercial fishing.
4. Gurnards are known for making a grunting sound when removed from the water.
5. Gurnard fillets are white and firm, making them a popular choice for fish and chips.
6. Gurnards are found in waters around the world, from shallow coastal waters to deep sea regions.
7. Gurnards are not typically targeted by recreational anglers, but they can be caught using bait such as squid or cuttlefish.
8. Gurnards are part of the Triglidae family, which includes over 100 different species of fish.

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