Hallowed example sentences

Related (7): sacred, revered, consecrated, sanctified, venerated, adored, worshiped

"Hallowed" Example Sentences

1. Her footsteps echoed on the hallowed floorboards of the old theater.
2. The pilgrims gathered at the hallowed shrine to pay their respects.
3. They stood in the hallowed halls of the cathedral, in awe of the majestic architecture.
4. He entered the hallowed grounds of the university for the first time as a young student.
5. The team hopes to win the championship on the hallowed field where legends were born.
6. They walked the hallowed halls of the museum, observing the priceless artifacts in wonder.
7. She stood on the hallowed stage where her idols once performed.
8. The athletes stepped onto the hallowed pitch just before the match began.
9. The president walked past the hallowed statue of the country's founder on his way to the inaugural ceremony.
10. The students lined up to enter the hallowed lecture hall where legendary professors once taught.
11. The church sits on a hallowed piece of land where it has stood for centuries.
12. His footsteps echoed on the hallowed ground where battles were long fought.
13. The football team emerged onto the hallowed field from the tunnel to thunderous applause.
14. The monk entered the hallowed chapel to pray before the gilded altar.
15. The musician took the stage in the hallowed concert hall where so many musical legends performed before him.
16. The hallowed halls of Congress rang with the passionate arguments of the legislators.
17. The hallowed ground of the battlefield sits untouched, a somber reminder of lives lost.
18. She stepped inside the hallowed room where history was made.
19. The priest stood before the hallowed altar and spoke the sacred words.
20. The grave lies on hallowed ground within the quiet churchyard.
21. The president swore the hallowed oath of office on the steps of the Capitol building.
22. The soldiers knelt before the hallowed memorial dedicated to their fallen comrades.
23. The actors took the stage in the hallowed theater where plays are meant to come alive.
24. The old oak table sits in the hallowed dining room where leaders have forged peace treaties.
25. Visitors wandered the hallowed ruins , pondering the fleetingness of civilization.
26. The students filed reverently into the hallowed lecture hall to hear the professor impart his wisdom.
27. He knelt before the hallowed relic laid out for veneration.
28. The heir stepped into the hallowed throne room to claim his rightful place.
29. The judge took his hallowed place on the bench before the court session began.
30. The cathedral sits on hallowed ground, bringing worshippers peace for centuries.
31. The fresh grass grew tall upon the hallowed graves, undisturbed by hurried footsteps.
32. The hallowed scrolls sat untouched within the guarded vault.
33. Smoke from the candles filled the hallowed sanctuary.
34. The knight knelt before the hallowed shrine to pray for victory in battle.
35. The royal family walked the hallowed halls of Buckingham Palace.
36. He performed his first concert on the hallowed stage where legends were born.
37. The fans set foot on the hallowed pitch after their team won the championship.
38. The hallowed tomb sits deep within the cave, its treasures long since plundered.
39. Throngs of devotees walked the hallowed path to the sacred temple.
40. Visitors lined up to enter the hallowed site filled with treasures of history.
41. She knelt before the hallowed tomb of the ancient saint.
42. The troupe performed on the hallowed stage made famous by Shakespeare's plays.
43. The pharaoh was laid to rest in his hallowed tomb filled with treasures for the afterlife.
44. The monks spent years copying the hallowed texts within the sacred library.
45. The orator stood before the hallowed assembly and began his speech.
46. The remains of the temple lay scattered across the hallowed plateau.
47. The candidate took the hallowed oath to serve their country.
48. The relics lay long forgotten within the hallowed chapel.
49. The dusty scrolls contained the hallowed words passed down through generations.
50. The acolytes tended to the hallowed flame that burned throughout the night.
51. The hallowed cavern sits deep within the forest, untouched by human hands.
52. The hallowed shrine sits atop the windswept mountain, drawing pilgrims from afar.
53. Visitors stood in awe before the hallowed statue of the country's beloved founder.
54. The grave markers stood solemn watch over the hallowed cemetery.
55. The oak doors opened into the hallowed sanctuary where faithful worshippers gathered.
56. The general stood at attention before the hallowed memorial to his fallen troops.
57. The faithful gathered within the hallowed church on Christmas Eve.
58. The zealots gathered within the hallowed temple to pray for salvation.
59. The actor stood upon the hallowed stage where his idols once performed.
60. The hallways echoed with the sounds of young scholars walking the hallowed halls of the university.

Common Phases

1. hallowed halls
Example: The students walked through the hallowed halls of the university.
2. hallowed ground
Example: The burial site sits on hallowed ground for generations.
3. hallowed name
Example: His family carries on the hallowed name with pride.
4. hallowed memory
Example: They kept the star player's hallowed memory alive for decades.
5. hallowed day
Example: The holiday commemorates that hallowed day in history.
6. hallowed oath
Example: He swore the hallowed oath to serve his country.
7. hallowed place
Example: The temple is a hallowed place of worship.
8. hallowed relic
Example: The monks tended to the hallowed relic with great care.
9. hallowed words
Example: The scriptures contained the hallowed words passed down for centuries.
10. hallowed tomb
Example: The pharaoh's hallowed tomb contained treasures for the afterlife.

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