Handwaved example sentences

Related (3): ignored, dismissed, downplayed

"Handwaved" Example Sentences

1. He handwaved away all of my concerns, but I still felt uneasy.
2. Despite the evidence presented, she handwaved the accusations as baseless.
3. The politician handwaved the controversy with a PR statement.
4. He handwaved the complicated data as inconsequential.
5. The teacher handwaved the student's question and moved on to the next topic.
6. The researcher handwaved the flaws in their methodology and published their findings anyway.
7. The CEO handwaved the company's financial struggles, saying they would bounce back soon.
8. She handwaved her mistakes with a shrug of her shoulders.
9. The doctor handwaved the patient's concerns about side effects.
10. The author handwaved a plot hole in their novel.
11. The coach handwaved the team's poor performance, saying they just had an off day.
12. The therapist handwaved the client's anxiety as something that would pass.
13. The scientist handwaved the limitations of their study, saying it was the best they could do with the resources available.
14. The manager handwaved the employee's complaint as a small issue.
15. The chef handwaved the criticism of their dish and insisted it was still good.
16. The investor handwaved the risk of the stock market crashing.
17. The politician handwaved the environmental impact of their proposed policy.
18. Despite mounting evidence, he handwaved the possibility of climate change.
19. The contractor handwaved the safety concerns of their construction project.
20. The designer handwaved the criticism of their fashion line as just personal taste.
21. The artist handwaved the critique of their latest painting.
22. The engineer handwaved the potential problems with their design and moved ahead with it anyway.
23. The journalist handwaved the need for unbiased reporting, saying their audience already had their minds made up.
24. The investor handwaved the possibility of a recession affecting their portfolio.
25. The entrepreneur handwaved the criticism of their business plan as coming from people who didn't understand their vision.
26. The contractor handwaved the complaints of their workers regarding working conditions.
27. The CEO handwaved the potential legal ramifications of their company's actions.
28. The teacher handwaved concerns about the student's learning disability, insisting they were just lazy.
29. The politician handwaved accusations of corruption as just political mudslinging.
30. The doctor handwaved the data on the effectiveness of alternative medicine, saying it was all just anecdotal evidence.

Common Phases

not worry about the details; I'll just handwave them away.
The plot doesn't make sense, but let's just handwave it for now; we need to focus on the characters.
I know this science is questionable, but let's just handwave it and enjoy the story.
The timeline doesn't quite add up, but let's just handwave that and keep going.
I'm not sure how they got out of that situation, but I'll just handwave it and move on.
The logic here is a bit shaky, but we can handwave it and suspend our disbelief.
I know this doesn't seem plausible, but we'll just handwave it and accept it for the sake of the story.
The explanation is a bit weak, but we can handwave it and enjoy the action.
The physics don't quite add up, but let's just handwave that and enjoy the special effects.
I'm not sure how that worked, but let's just handwave it and appreciate the outcome.

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