Harrow example sentences

Related (6): plow, cultivate, till, rake, furrow, disc

"Harrow" Example Sentences

1. The farmer used a harrow to prepare the field for planting.
2. The harrow teeth broke up the clods of dirt in the soil.
3. He harrowed the field to make the soil smooth and even.
4. A disk harrow was attached to the tractor for cultivation.
5. The spring tine harrow worked well on rocky soil.
6. The spike tooth harrow was pulled by a team of horses.
7. They harrowed the garden beds to level the uneven ground.
8. The soil was harrowed before the grass seed was scattered.
9. The field was harrowed and then plowed for the spring crop.
10. The drag harrow helped break up clumps and smooth the soil.
11. The tines of the harrow made several passes over the soil.
12. The field was harrowed after the plowing was completed.
13. The wooden tine harrow left the soil in fine tilth for planting.
14. The ground crew harrowed the infield dirt before the baseball game.
15. The lawn was harrowed to loosen the dirt and grass clumps.
16. The tractor slowly made its way across the field while harrowing.
17. The massive disk harrow finished preparing the large acreage.
18. The coarse soil needed several harrowings to produce a fine tilth.
19. The spring tine harrow roughly scratched the topsoil.
20. The clods and lumps of dirt were broken up by the aggressive harrowing.
21. The horses strained as they pulled the heavy, spiked harrow.
22. The chain harrow improved soil texture and levelness.
23. The tooth harrow scratched and sliced through the thick turf.
24. The soil seemed to sigh with relief after being harrowed.
25. After the harrowing, the moist earth seemed ready for planting.
26. The tine harrow smoothed the tilled soil into a fine tilth.
27. The soil longed to be harrowed and seeded for the spring.
28. The harrow created a fine, dusty layer over the rough dirt.
29. The makeshift wooden harrow did an adequate job on the small plot.
30. The tiny seeds quickly sprouted in the freshly harrowed soil.
31. The clods broke into finer pieces with each pass of the harrow.
32. The disk harrow made the once-rocky field into fertile soil.
33. The spring tine harrow raked over the stony ground.
34. The tractor slowly pulled the harrow in straight rows across the field.
35. The soil was harrowed, fertilized and irrigated before planting.
36. The rusty, old harrow struggled through the overgrown field.
37. The spring rains made the harrowing of the soil easier.
38. The ancient harrow was pulled solely by the farmer's aged mule.
39. The narrow chained harrow made many passes to thoroughly cover the land.
40. The harrow left the earth finely granulated and ready for seed.
41. The harrow broke apart the clumps but left the rocks undisturbed.
42. The old team of horses plodded slowly along as they pulled the spiked harrow.
43. The dull steel tines of the harrow could barely scratch the parched earth.
44. The thistles were pulled out before the field could be harrowed.
45. The sod buster harrow broke up the thick prairie sod.
46. The spring rains softened the ground, making harrowing easier.
47. The mini disc harrow did an adequate job on the small garden plot.
48. The fertile land longed to be harrowed and planted with new seeds.
49. The iron toothed harrow cruelly ripped at the hardened soil.
50. The brush harrow raked away leaves and debris before planting.
51. The wide bar harrow finished the preparation of the dusty field.
52. The dry earth resisted the spike toothed harrow's attempts to break it up.
53. The harrow was pulled by two mule teams working in tandem.
54. The disk harrow smoothed the clodded ground after the plow.
55. The undulating land made harrowing uneven and difficult.
56. The spring tine harrow roughed up the grassy soil.
57. The ground was harrowed in straight lines to create even furrows.
58. The rough soil required two harrowings before it was ready for seed.
59. The clods were pulverized by the aggressive action of the spiked harrow.
60. The harrowed earth lay ready for planting the coming spring.

Common Phases

1. The farmer used a harrow to break up the clods of soil after plowing the field.
2. The harrowed fields stretched as far as the eye could see.
3. He harrowed the garden to level the soil and prepare it for planting seeds.
4. The memories of the tragedy still harrowed his mind after all these years.
5. His conscience harrowed him for his misdeeds and wrongdoings.
6. The prisoner's harsh treatment and living conditions harrowed him daily.
7. The terrible events he witnessed during the war still occasionally harrowed him with nightmares.
8. The screams of the injured harrowed the soldiers' minds.
9. The images of the horrific accident continued to harrow his thoughts.
10. The cries of the starving children harrowed the hearts of all those who heard them.
11. The thought of losing his job and livelihood continued to harrow his mind.
12. When he thought of what he had done, guilt and shame harrowed his soul.
13. Brushing up and harrowing the soil resulted in a fine seed bed for planting.
14. The harrow dragged behind the tractor worked well to smooth and break up clods.
15. After the first heavy rain, he took the harrow once again to level the uneven field.
16. The harrow left the soil in perfect condition for scattering the grass seed.
17. The crop was thriving after the field had been plowed and harrowed.
18. The garden harrow helped break apart clumps of dirt and smooth the soil.
19. The cultivator and harrow made quick work of preparing the vegetable garden.
20. Memories of his untreated mental illness continued to harrow his mind.

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