Headers example sentences

"Headers" Example Sentences

1. The column headers in the spreadsheet identified the data included in each column.
2. He reviewed the HTTP headers to gather information about the web request.
3. The HTML page contains header tags that define the page title and navigation menu.
4. She added custom headers to the email before sending it.
5. The web page rendered differently depending on the browser headers it received.
6. The HTTP headers provided information about the client browser and IP address.
7. She copied and pasted the email headers into a text file for further analysis.
8. The page headers showed a logo and navigation menu.
9. The email header displayed the sender, recipient, and time it was sent.
10. He examined the HTTP request headers to determine which browser had sent the request.
11. To make the table sortable, she added data headers to each column.
12. The column headers had drop-down menus enabling data filtering.
13. She reviewed the email headers to try and determine where the message originated.
14. Headers were added to define sections on the long webpage.
15. The HTTP response headers provided useful information about the returned webpage.
16. Additional headers were added to the email to indicate high priority.
17. The headers in the text file identified the type of data in each column.
18. TCP headers provide routing information for network packets.
19. The HTTP headers showed that the request was coming from a mobile browser.
20. Headers were added to the table to clearly identify each column of data.
21. He examined the TCP headers of the packets to diagnose the network issue.
22. The page headers displayed the company logo and motto.
23. HTTP request headers identify the browser and operating system making the request.
24. Page headers defined the main sections and subsections of the lengthy document.
25. The headers defined metadata for interpreting the data in the CSV file.
26. Form headers identified each input field on the webpage.
27. Headers mark the beginning of data sections in a protocol.
28. TCP headers contain port numbers to direct network traffic.
29. Custom headers were added to the HTTP request for authentication purposes.
30. Column headers labeled each row of data in the spreadsheet.
31. TCP headers provide crucial information for routing packets across networks.
32. Styling was applied to the page headers to make them visually distinct.
33. Headers were defined for each section in the report template.
34. The headers at the top of each email showed the subject line and timestamp.
35. She reviewed the HTTP response headers to diagnose the server issue.
36. Header tags were used to define the main sections of the webpage.
37. Custom headers were added to provide additional information for the web service.
38.She reviewed the packet headers to look for signs of a Denial of Service attack.
39. Page headers defined the heading hierarchy using H1 through H6 tags.
40.The table headers provided information to properly interpret the numeric data.
41. The column headers displayed abbreviations that users needed to interpret the data.
42. Headers were defined for each table in the database to name the columns.
43. The HTTP headers provided clues to diagnose the connection timeout issues.
44. Page headers identified sections and helped with the layout of the long document.
45. The CSV file headers defined the format and data types in each column.
46. The server responded with an HTTP header containing a status code.
47. Headers marked the beginning of each table in the SQL database.
48. CSS was applied to style the page headers differently from the main content.
49. The header tags defined the heading levels in the document outline.
50. The TCP headers contained information needed to establish the network connection.
51. The HTTP request headers identified the client browser making the webpage request.
52. Row headers defined what data was contained in each row of the table.
53. He documented the meaning of each header in the data specification.
54. Headers were added at the top of each email as a signature.
55. Headers provided crucial metadata to properly interpret the data enclosed.
56. The headers in the text file defined the data type and length of each column.
57. Row headers labeled each column of data in the spreadsheet.
58. The HTTP response headers provided information about the server and webpage.
59. The column headers labeled each data point on the graph.
60. The page headers defined the main sections and subsections of the webpage.

Common Phases

1. HTTP headers - a set of fields that describe the status of a Hypertext Transfer Protocol request.
2. column headers - text at the top of a column in a spreadsheet that describes the data in that column.
3. header tags - tags used in HTML to define headings, titles, and sections.
4. TCP headers - parts of a TCP segment that contains control information.
5. page headers - text at the top of a web page that typically contains the title and navigation.
6. email headers - information about an email message that precedes the body, including sender, recipient, subject, and timestamp.
7. CSV headers - text located at the top row of a CSV file that specify the data type and name of each column.
8. row headers - text at the top of a row in a spreadsheet or table that describes the data in that row.
9. protocol headers - parts of data packets that contain control and addressing info used by communication protocols.
10. custom headers - additional fields added to HTTP headers to provide special information.

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