Headmistresses example sentences

Related (7): 1. Principals, administrators, mentors, managers, supervisors, controllers, headmistresses

"Headmistresses" Example Sentences

1. The headmistresses of the school are diligent and dedicated to their work.
2. We were all shocked when the headmistresses announced her retirement after 30 years of service.
3. The headmistresses are responsible for implementing and enforcing school policies.
4. The headmistresses of the boarding school were known for their strict but fair discipline.
5. The headmistresses have a busy schedule filled with meetings, parent conferences, and school events.
6. The headmistresses decided to hire a new faculty member after one retired mid-year.
7. The headmistresses of the all-girls school were admired for their empowering leadership.
8. The headmistresses worked together to create a welcoming and inclusive environment for all students.
9. The headmistresses spent countless hours preparing for the school's annual open house.
10. The headmistresses were thrilled to hear that their school had been ranked among the top 10 in the nation.
11. The headmistresses of the school were determined to raise funds for new computers for the students.
12. The headmistresses encouraged students to pursue their passions and interests both inside and outside of the classroom.
13. The headmistresses acted swiftly when a student was caught cheating on a test.
14. The headmistresses were always available to listen to concerns or suggestions from parents and students.
15. The headmistresses were passionate about providing a well-rounded education to their students.
16. The headmistresses offered guidance and support to teachers who were struggling with difficult students.
17. The headmistresses had a low tolerance for bullying and made it a priority to prevent and address it whenever it occurred.
18. The headmistresses organized a field trip to a local museum for the students to broaden their knowledge of history and art.
19. The headmistresses of the school were known for their impeccable fashion sense and professionalism.
20. The headmistresses maintained high standards for academic excellence and expected nothing less from their students.
21. The headmistresses were proud of their school's diverse student population and worked to create an inclusive atmosphere.
22. The headmistresses met with the school's advisory board regularly to discuss updates and changes to the curriculum.
23. The headmistresses worked hard to ensure that every student received the individual attention and support they needed to succeed.
24. The headmistresses of the school were always seeking ways to improve and enhance the school's programs and services.
25. The headmistresses welcomed new students and families with open arms and helped them feel at home in their new community.
26. The headmistresses often attended faculty meetings to stay updated on the latest education trends and policies.
27. The headmistresses of the school held an annual fundraiser to support local charities and raise awareness of important causes.
28. The headmistresses made it clear that dishonesty and disrespect would not be tolerated within the school's community.
29. The headmistresses were highly respected by their colleagues, students, and families for their dedication and leadership.
30. The headmistresses were always striving to create a nurturing, innovative, and inspiring environment for their students.

Common Phases

1. Headmistresses of the past were often strict disciplinarians; they believed in corporal punishment.
2. Many headmistresses today focus on cultivating a well-rounded education for their students; they encourage participation in extracurricular activities.
3. Headmistresses play a crucial role in shaping the educational experience of young girls; they have the power to inspire and empower future generations of women.
4. The responsibilities of headmistresses are vast and varied; they must manage the day-to-day operations of the school while also ensuring academic excellence.
5. Headmistresses are often tasked with maintaining a sense of order and decorum among the student body; they work tirelessly to create a positive learning environment for all.

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