Hecatombclassical example sentences

Related (9): sacrifice, death, loss, disaster, tragedy, calamity, devastation, catastrophe, holocaust

"Hecatombclassical" Example Sentences

1. The emperor commanded a hecatomb, a classical sacrifice of 100 cattle, to appease the gods.
2. The ancient Greeks often held hecatomb classical sacrifices before major events.
3. The priest prepared the altar for the hecatomb, carefully arranging the offerings.
4. The hecatomb classical sacrifice was one of the most elaborate and expensive rituals in ancient Rome.
5. The citizens of ancient Athens gathered for the hecatomb, eager to witness the spectacle.
6. The hecatomb was a powerful symbol of devotion to the gods, and was often used to demonstrate a city's piety.
7. The king offered a hecatomb to the goddess Athena, hoping for her blessings in the coming battle.
8. The hecatomb was a solemn affair, with priests leading the ritual chants and prayers.
9. The hecatomb was seen as a way to curry favor with the gods, and was an important part of ancient religious practice.
10. The offering of a hecatomb was a significant event, and was often recorded in historical records.
11. The hecatomb was a traditional way of thanking the gods for a bountiful harvest or victory in battle.
12. The priestess oversaw the hecatomb, ensuring that all the rules and rituals were followed precisely.
13. The sacrificial animals were chosen carefully for the hecatomb, with only the finest specimens deemed worthy of the gods.
14. The hecatomb was a grand spectacle, with hundreds of onlookers cheering as the animals were sacrificed.
15. The citizens of the city celebrated the hecatomb with feasting and revelry, grateful for the blessings of the gods.
16. The hecatomb was an important way for rulers to demonstrate their power and authority to their subjects.
17. The priest led the hecatomb ritual, invoking the gods and offering the prayers of the people.
18. The hecatomb was a sacred event, and only those deemed worthy were allowed to participate in the rituals.
19. The hecatomb was a symbolic way of uniting a community, as everyone came together to honor the gods.
20. The hecatomb was a costly undertaking, with the expense of the animals and the elaborate preparations required.
21. The hecatomb was a way of communicating with the gods, seeking their guidance and protection.
22. The hecatomb was a powerful statement of faith, demonstrating a commitment to one's religion and beliefs.
23. The hecatomb was often accompanied by music and dancing, adding to the festive atmosphere.
24. The hecatomb was a way for individuals to seek individual blessings or favors from the gods, in addition to larger communal offerings.
25. The hecatomb was an expression of gratitude, recognizing the role of the gods in providing for the people.
26. The hecatomb was seen as a way to atone for sins or mistakes, seeking forgiveness and redemption.
27. The hecatomb was a way to ensure good fortune and success in future endeavors, invoking the blessings of the gods.
28. The hecatomb was a way to honor ancestors and those who had passed on, seeking their guidance and protection.
29. The hecatomb was a way of invoking the power of the gods in times of crisis, seeking their intervention and aid.
30. The hecatomb was a reminder of the importance of faith and devotion, showing the dedication of the people to their beliefs.

Common Phases

- "I love listening to hecatombclassical music during my study sessions."
- "The concert featured a stunning performance of hecatombclassical pieces."
- "The hecatombclassical era of music is known for its intricate compositions and skilled musicianship."
- "She has been practicing hecatombclassical piano pieces for months in preparation for the recital."
- "The symphony orchestra played a beautiful rendition of a hecatombclassical sonata."
- "The professor's lecture on hecatombclassical music history was incredibly informative."
- "Many consider Mozart to be one of the greatest hecatombclassical composers of all time."
- "I was introduced to hecatombclassical music in a Humanities class in college."
- "The hecatombclassical period marked a shift towards more complex and structured musical forms."
- "I have a hecatombclassical music playlist that I listen to while working out."

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