Hedonistic example sentences

Related (10): pleasure-seeking, indulgent, sensual, self-gratifying, decadent, sybaritic, libertine, dissipated, wanton, debauched

"Hedonistic" Example Sentences

1. The partygoers lived for the moment in a hedonistic frenzy.
2. They pursued pleasure in a hedonistic manner, with no regard for consequences.
3. The decadent lifestyles of the rich were viewed as hedonistic and excessive.
4. Some accused the youth of being hedonistic for prioritizing pleasure over responsibility.
5. The pleasure-seekers lived a hedonistic lifestyle focused solely on indulgence and gratification.
6. The hedonistic night of partying left everyone exhausted the next day.
7. Their carefree and hedonistic lifestyle revolved around seeking pleasure and avoiding responsibility.
8. The self-indulgent and hedonistic lifestyle eventually led to their financial ruin.
9. Critics viewed their excessive pursuit of pleasure as immoral and hedonistic.
10. Some religions condemn hedonistic behaviors that prioritize sensory gratification over spiritual growth.
11. The hedonistic party atmosphere encouraged reckless abandon.
12. They were accused of living an excessively hedonistic lifestyle.
13. The decadent celebrities embodied a hedonistic ideal of constant pleasure-seeking.
14. Their pleasure-seeking behaviors were viewed as hedonistic and immature.
15. The home was known for its hedonistic parties and wild guests.
16. The hedonistic evening of drinking and fun quickly spiraled out of control.
17. The affluent individuals pursued a hedonistic existence devoted to pleasure and luxury.
18. Elders chastised the youth for their hedonistic recklessness.
19. The consumers pursued pleasure in an unrestrained and hedonistic way.
20. The debaucherous lifestyle was characterized as hedonistic and excessive.
21. Their solely materialistic goals were viewed as hedonistic and selfish.
22. They were criticized for living an excessive and hedonistic lifestyle.
23. Her philosophy cautioned against a hedonistic life devoted solely to chasing pleasure.
24. The hedonistic attitudes promote relentless pursuit of pleasure and disregard consequences.
25. The summit dissolved into hedonistic revelry fueled by alcohol and excess.
26. Some philosophers condemn hedonism as an overly hedonistic moral theory.
27. Critics viewed their irresponsible behaviors as evidence of hedonistic selfishness.
28. The hedonistic revelers partied late into the night.
29. His hedonistic poems celebrated wine, women and song.
30. They pursued pleasure in an unrestrained and hedonistic manner.
31. The cult followers pursued a hedonistic lifestyle devoid of responsibility and moderation.
32. The vacation quickly devolved into a hedonistic feast of excess.
33. The resort promoted a hedonistic atmosphere of endless indulgence.
34. The hedonistic individuals valued pleasure above all else.
35. Consumers eagerly lined up to purchase the newest devices in a hedonistic rush.
36. Commentators criticized the extravagant party as hedonistic and excessive.
37. Their hedonistic escapades eventually caught up with them.
38. The hedonistic lifestyles eventually ran afoul of societal norms.
39. The pleasure seekers pursued sensory gratification in an unrestrained and hedonistic manner.
40. The hotel marketed itself as a haven for hedonistic indulgence.
41. Stoicism warns against hedonistic pursuits of fleeting sensory pleasures.
42. The lifestyle magazine promoted a hedonistic ideal of luxury and indulgence.
43. The hedonistic getaway quickly devolved into debauchery and excess.
44. Their purely hedonistic goals were seen as selfish and immature.
45. Critics viewed their materialistic and hedonistic pursuits as spiritually empty.
46. The vacations were characterized by hedonistic partying and excess.
47. Commentators condemned the hedonistic revelry as excessively decadent and debaucherous.
48. Many religions condemn hedonistic behaviors that prioritize bodily pleasures above spiritual growth.
49. The pleasure-seekers lived hedonistic lifestyles focused solely on pursuing gratification and luxury.
50. The resort promotes a hedonistic atmosphere of unlimited indulgence.
51. His hedonistic poetics celebrated sensory pleasures above all else.
52. The hedonistic partiers danced late into the night.
53. Advocates of hedonism argue that pleasure is the highest good worth pursuing.
54. They argued that the youth were embracing a hedonistic brand of celebrity consumerism.
55. The decadent lifestyles of the rich fueled accusations of hedonistic selfishness and excess.
56. Believers warned the youth against hedonistic excesses that could jeopardize their souls.
57. The vacation quickly devolved into hedonistic excess and debauchery.
58. Critics condemned their solely materialistic goals as hedonistic and morally empty.
59. The pleasure seekers pursued gratification in an unrestrained and hedonistic manner.
60. Their hedonistic behaviors irresponsible demonstrated a disregard for others.

Common Phases

1. Her hedonistic lifestyle led to financial ruin.
2. His behavior seems more hedonistic than motivated by wisdom.
3. The youthful and somewhat hedonistic pleasure-seekers began their road trip to Las Vegas.
4. They lived a decadent and hedonistic existence for many years.
5. The company's only goal seemed to be hedonistic pleasure and easy profits.
6. His hedonistic philosophy focused solely on pleasure and avoiding pain.
7. They led a rather hedonistic life before they had children.
8. Such a hedonistic attitude seems shortsighted and superficial.
9. They were often accused of living an aimless and hedonistic life devoid of meaning.
10. His philosophy has been characterized as cynical and hedonistic.
11. My father disapproved of my hedonistic lifestyle in college.
12. Life without moral purpose beyond hedonistic pursuits seems empty.
13. The hedonistic millionaire spent all his wealth seeking earthly pleasures.
14. They lived a hedonistic life of pleasure and luxury thanks to their inherited wealth.
15. Critics accused them of promoting a hedonistic culture through their art and music.
16. The hedonistic teachings of Epicurus emphasize pleasures of taste, sex, and avoidance of pain.
17. Her critics accused her of promoting a hedonistic lifestyle through her writings.
18. While some find hedonistic ways of living satisfying in youth, many find them empty later on.
19. The hedonistic pleasure seekers lived only for the moment and cared little about the future.
20. The hedonistic party culture seemed devoid of compassion or empathy for others.
21. Critics argued that his philosophy seemed dangerously hedonistic and amoral.
22. The hedonistic partiers spent their weekends aimlessly seeking pleasure and distraction.
23. Critics said the novel promoted a hedonistic disregard for moral virtue.
24. Many philosophers argue that a purely hedonistic approach to life is ultimately unsatisfying.
25. His critics claimed his hedonistic philosophy justified troubling behaviors.
26. Her hedonistic goals in life left her feeling empty and unfulfilled.
27. His hedonistic novels portrayed a pleasure-seeking society detached from meaningful values.
28. They decried the hedonistic attitude that seemed prevalent among the younger generation.
29. The hedonistic vacationers spent every day at the pools and bars rather than sightseeing.
30. Their work espouses a hedonistic ethos that emphasizes the pursuit of pleasure.
31. His supposedly philosophical pursuit of pleasure seems rather shallow and hedonistic.
32. His more hedonistic poems reflect the joys and excesses of youth.
33. The hedonistic personas they adopted in their songs belied their serious natures.
34. While pleasure seeking is natural, a purely hedonistic pursuit of pleasure ultimately rings hollow.
35. The hedonistic partiers seemed indifferent to the suffering of others.
36. His hedonistic years of excess seemed far behind him now that he was a family man.
37. Her hedonistic college days seemed like a lifetime ago now that she had children of her own.
38. Older and wiser, the temptation of hedonistic pleasures no longer seemed as appealing.
39. Many joined in mocking his supposedly philosophical defense of hedonistic self-indulgence.
40. The wealthy aristocrats lived pampered and hedonistic lives isolated from the struggles of the poor.
41. Critics argued that the film promoted a hedonistic message at odds with moral values.
42. Her hedonistic lifestyle and lack of meaningful goals began catching up with her.
43. The hedonistic billionaire pursued a life of extravagant luxury and fleeting pleasures.
44. While indulging pleasures has its place, a purely hedonistic pursuit of pleasure ultimately rings hollow.
45. The hedonistic pursuit of immediate gratification often comes at the expense of long-term happiness.
46. The hedonistic celebrities lived in a bubble of wealth and privilege detached from reality.
47. Critics viewed the hedonistic messages in their songs as irresponsible and immature.
48. Looking back, she regretted her more hedonistic adventures in younger years.
49. His hedonistic attitude toward life began to seem immature and irresponsible.
50. Their short-sighted hedonistic lifestyle seemed unsustainable and ultimately unfulfilling.
51. Many enjoyed his satirical portrayal of hedonistic aristocrats oblivious to the plight of the poor.
52. The hedonistic optimists chased youthful pleasures unaware of life's uncertainties ahead.
53. While pleasure seeks its place, a purely hedonistic attitude seems shallow and unwise.
54. He urged his followers to avoid a hedonistic pursuit of pleasures devoid of meaning.
55. As they aged, many of the hedonistic celebrities came to regret their indulgent excesses.
56. His hedonistic poem celebrates the fleeting pleasures of youthful romance.
57. While many accepted his defense of hedonism in youth, few found it convincing in later years.
58. Their shallow and hedonistic existence seemed increasingly devoid of purpose or joy.
59. His critics accused him of promoting an irresponsible and hedonistic disregard for wisdom.
60. The hedonistic rich portrayed in the novel seemed oblivious to the suffering of the poor.

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