Hemochromes example sentences

Related (7): Iron, Heme, Ferritin, Transferrin, Hemoglobin, Myoglobin, Cytochrome.

"Hemochromes" Example Sentences

1. Hemochromes are specialized proteins that are involved in the transport and storage of iron in the body.
2. The binding of hemochromes to iron ions helps regulate the amount of iron in the bloodstream.
3. Pathological accumulation of iron can lead to disorders such as hemochromatosis, which is characterized by excessive deposition of hemochromes in tissues.
4. The mechanism of hemochromes is important for understanding iron homeostasis and the development of treatments for iron-related diseases.
5. Hemochromes form a complex with ferritin to store excess iron in the liver and spleen.
6. The crystal structure of hemochromes reveals the intricate interactions between amino acid residues and iron ions.
7. Hemochromes are commonly found in animals and play a crucial role in the oxygen transport system.
8. Mutations in the genes encoding for hemochromes have been associated with various forms of anemia.
9. The function of hemochromes extends beyond iron regulation and also includes immune response and signaling.
10. Hemochromes are highly conserved among different species, suggesting their importance in evolutionary adaptation.
11. Levels of hemochromes in the blood can be measured as a diagnostic tool for iron deficiency or overload.
12. The structure and function of hemochromes have been studied extensively in the field of biochemistry.
13. Hemochromes have been shown to interact with other proteins to modulate their activity and function.
14. Understanding the role of hemochromes in cellular processes can inform the design of therapeutics targeting iron-related diseases.
15. Hemochromes are synthesized by a variety of cell types and can be secreted or retained intracellularly.
16. The expression of hemochromes is regulated by iron levels, with higher iron leading to increased production of the protein.
17. Hemochromes are composed of multiple subunits that come together to form a functional complex.
18. The formation of hemochromes is crucial for the efficient uptake and utilization of iron within cells.
19. Mutations in the genes encoding for hemochromes can lead to diseases such as hemochromatosis and porphyria.
20. Hemochromes are part of a larger family of heme proteins that play diverse roles in metabolism and signaling.
21. The interaction between hemochromes and iron ions is highly specific and involves multiple coordination sites.
22. Hemochromes have a unique shape and charge distribution that allows them to bind and transport iron with high efficiency.
23. The study of hemochromes has led to the discovery of novel drug targets and therapies for iron-related disorders.
24. Hemochromes are also involved in the catabolism of heme molecules and the recycling of iron for reuse within the body.
25. The regulation of hemochromes involves complex feedback mechanisms that ensure proper iron balance and distribution.
26. Hemochromes have been used as biomarkers for various diseases and conditions, including cancer and inflammation.
27. The crystal structure of hemochromes has provided insights into the mechanisms of iron binding and release.
28. Hemochromes are subject to degradation and turnover within cells, which helps maintain proper iron levels and prevent toxicity.
29. Hemochromes play a critical role in the immune response to bacterial and viral infections, as iron is essential for pathogen growth.
30. The study of hemochromes is an active area of research with implications for both human health and evolutionary biology.

Common Phases

1. Hemochromes can be found in the bloodstream in excessive amounts;
2. Some people with hemochromatosis experience fatigue and joint pain due to high levels of hemochromes;
3. Hemochromes bind to oxygen and transport it to cells in the body;
4. High levels of hemochromes can lead to liver damage and heart disease;
5. Treatment for hemochromatosis often involves regular blood donation to reduce hemochromes levels;
6. The buildup of hemochromes in tissues can cause skin discoloration and diabetes.

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