Hereuntofore example sentences

Related (3): "previously, heretofore, beforehand"

"Hereuntofore" Example Sentences

1. Hereuntofore, the company had never experienced such a successful product launch.
2. The team worked tirelessly to achieve a goal that was hereuntofore considered impossible.
3. Hereuntofore, the town had always been known for its quiet and peaceful streets.
4. He had never been able to afford a luxurious lifestyle hereuntofore.
5. The company had always followed a certain strategy hereuntofore, but it was time for a change.
6. Hereuntofore, the project had been running smoothly, but a new issue arose.
7. The two teams had hereuntofore been working independently, but now they needed to collaborate.
8. Hereuntofore, the relationship between the two countries had been tense, but now they were making progress.
9. The new policy was a departure from the hereuntofore accepted rules.
10. Hereuntofore, he had always been content with his life, but now he yearned for something more.
11. The company had always struggled with profitability hereuntofore, but a new CEO turned things around.
12. Hereuntofore, the experiments had yielded inconclusive results, but now they finally had a breakthrough.
13. The city had always been a cultural hub hereuntofore, but now it was losing its creative spirit.
14. Hereuntofore, the team had never encountered such a challenging opponent, but they were determined to win.
15. The old ways of doing things had been hereuntofore accepted, but a new generation demanded change.
16. Hereuntofore, the organization had focused on domestic issues, but they now wanted to expand globally.
17. Despite hereuntofore failing multiple times, he refused to give up on his dream.
18. The political landscape had hereuntofore been stable, but it was now experiencing upheaval.
19. Hereuntofore, the team had always played it safe, but now they took a bold risk.
20. The hereuntofore undiscovered talent impressed everyone with their performance.
21. Hereuntofore, he had been a staunch supporter of the party, but recent events had made him rethink his allegiance.
22. The company had always been hesitant to embrace new technology hereuntofore, but they now realized it was necessary.
23. Hereuntofore, she had been content to stay in her comfort zone, but she now sought adventure.
24. The team was struggling with communication hereuntofore, but a new method solved the problem.
25. Hereuntofore, the book had been regarded as a classic, but a controversial interpretation changed its reputation.
26. The business had always operated on a shoestring budget hereuntofore, but new investors injected capital.
27. Hereuntofore, the team had never won a championship, but a new coach changed that.
28. He had always been a man of few words hereuntofore, but he finally spoke up when it mattered.
29. Hereuntofore, the school had not offered a music program, but now they were introducing one.
30. The project had hereuntofore been considered a failure, but they finally found a solution.

Common Phases

not use "hereuntofore" in modern writing as it is considered outdated and archaic.
However, if you insist, here are some examples:
Hereuntofore, we have always followed the tradition of celebrating Christmas with a big feast; hereuntofore, we have never considered having a potluck.
Hereuntofore, we have relied on our instincts to make business decisions; hereuntofore, we have never consulted with a professional advisor.
Hereuntofore, we have used a simple excel sheet for our budgeting needs; hereuntofore, we have never explored more sophisticated tools.
Hereuntofore, we have allowed flexible work hours; hereuntofore, we have never had a mandatory schedule.
Hereuntofore, we have accepted the status quo; hereuntofore, we have never challenged it.

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