Hesitationn example sentences

Related (10): uncertainty, reluctance, doubt, indecision, vacillation, wavering, qualm, reservation, ambivalence, skepticism

"Hesitationn" Example Sentences

1. Even though she had practiced for months, her hesitation was apparent when she stepped onto the stage.
2. His hesitation to answer the teacher's question made it clear that he hadn't done the homework.
3. The interviewee's hesitation during the job interview made the interviewer doubt her qualifications.
4. Despite her hesitation, she knew she had to jump out of the airplane in order to go skydiving.
5. His hesitation in responding to the email made her wonder if he was avoiding her.
6. The basketball player's hesitation before taking the shot allowed the defender to block it.
7. Even with the green light, the driver had hesitation before proceeding through the intersection.
8. The actor's hesitation during his lines made the audience feel uncomfortable.
9. The CEO's hesitation to make a decision resulted in the company losing an important contract.
10. The patient's hesitation to take the medication raised concerns for the doctor.
11. Despite her hesitation at first, the little girl eventually pet the friendly dog.
12. The boxer's hesitation before throwing the punch gave his opponent an opening.
13. His hesitation in signing the lease made his roommate frustrated and worried.
14. Despite her hesitation to speak up, the young girl told the teacher about the bullying.
15. The singer's hesitation before hitting the high note was noticeable in her performance.
16. The politician's hesitation to answer the reporter's question only fueled more speculation.
17. The athlete's hesitation before taking off on the high jump caused him to miss the bar.
18. Despite his hesitation to go to the party, he ended up having a great time.
19. The author's hesitation to reveal the surprise ending made the book even more suspenseful.
20. Her hesitation to make the phone call resulted in missing out on the job opportunity.
21. The student's hesitation to answer the math problem caused him to lose points on the exam.
22. Despite her hesitation to try sushi, she ended up loving it.
23. The pianist's hesitation before starting the piece showed the audience how difficult it was.
24. His hesitation to ask her out on a date made him regret not going for it.
25. The chef's hesitation to add more seasoning resulted in bland food.
26. Even with the invitation, her hesitation to attend the wedding made her sister upset.
27. The teacher's hesitation to assign homework on the weekend was appreciated by her students.
28. The singer's hesitation to sing the high note caused her to strain her voice.
29. Despite his hesitation to try bungee jumping, he felt exhilarated after the experience.
30. The bride's hesitation before walking down the aisle showed that she was nervous but excited.

Common Phases

1. Um, I'm not sure;
2. Well, let me see;
3. I need a moment;
4. I'm second-guessing myself;
5. Maybe I should think about this;
6. I'm not entirely convinced;
7. Let me think on it;
8. I'm a bit hesitant;
9. I'm not quite ready to decide;
10. Hmm, let me ponder this.

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