Hickwalls example sentences

Related (3): fences, barriers, partitions

"Hickwalls" Example Sentences

1. The old barn was made of hickwalls and had a rustic charm.
2. A sturdy fence made of hickwalls surrounded the property.
3. The hickwalls in the cabin gave it a cozy feel.
4. The stone chimney clashed with the hickwalls of the house.
5. The dark hickwalls of the cabin made it seem mysterious.
6. The woodpecker had made multiple holes in the hickwalls.
7. The farmhouse had weathered hickwalls that added character.
8. The carpenter used hickwalls to build the stable.
9. The sound of the horses galloping echoed off the hickwalls.
10. The hickwalls of the cabin were painted a beautiful shade of maroon.
11. The hickwalls were a natural insulator, keeping the house warm in winter.
12. The homeowner replaced the worn out hickwalls with siding.
13. The cabin was built with hickwalls and thatched roofing.
14. The hickwalls had visible knots and grooves, giving it a rustic quality.
15. The hickwalls of the chalet were stained a rich brown.
16. The hickwalls of the barn were adorned with horseshoes and lassos.
17. The cabin had clear views of the mountains through the hickwalls.
18. The hickwalls were coated in a layer of protective sealant.
19. The renovation included removing the old hickwalls and replacing them with brick.
20. The hickwalls were constructed from timber found on the property.
21. The cabin's hickwalls and log beams complemented each other.
22. The exposed hickwalls had a raw, unfinished look.
23. The hickwalls in the stable had faded to a pale grey.
24. The cabin had wide, horizontal hickwalls that gave it a unique look.
25. The shed was built with low hickwalls to allow easy access.
26. The carpenter carved intricate designs into the hickwalls of the farmhouse.
27. The smell of sawdust filled the air as the workers replaced the hickwalls.
28. The hickwalls were treated with a fire-resistant coating for safety.
29. The hickwalls of the cottage were covered in ivy.
30. The cottage had delicate, curved hickwalls that gave it a whimsical appearance.

Common Phases

1. The hickwalls were thick and tall; it was impossible to see over them.
2. I felt trapped between the hickwalls that surrounded me; the only way out was through.
3. The hickwalls were old and crumbling; moss and vines covered their surfaces.
4. The hickwalls looked ominous in the moonlight; I couldn't shake the feeling of being watched.
5. I ran alongside the hickwalls, heart pounding; I knew I had to get to the other side.
6. The hickwalls seemed to go on forever; I wondered what secrets they were hiding.
7. The hickwalls were stained with age and neglect; I couldn't help but feel a sense of sadness.
8. I peeked through a crack in the hickwalls; the sight on the other side stole my breath away.
9. The hickwalls seemed to pulse with energy; I couldn't resist the urge to touch them.
10. The hickwalls barred me from my destination; I would have to find another way around.

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