Hillocks example sentences

Related (10): hills, mounds, knolls, hummocks, drumlins, buttes, rises, tors, bluffs, eskers

"Hillocks" Example Sentences

1. The hillocks in the distance looked inviting for a hike.
2. The little girl ran up and down the hillocks, giggling with delight.
3. The farmer plowed the field, smoothing out the hillocks.
4. The wind caused the sand to form small hillocks along the shore.
5. The landscape was dotted with small hillocks, creating a picturesque scene.
6. The horses galloped over the hillocks, their hooves pounding the earth.
7. Climbing up the hillocks was challenging, but the view from the top was worth it.
8. The hillocks were covered in lush green grass, perfect for a picnic.
9. The geologist studied the hillocks, searching for clues to the area's geological history.
10. The little boy used his toy shovel to make miniature hillocks in the sandbox.
11. The road wound through the hillocks, providing a scenic drive.
12. The garden was designed with gentle hillocks to create interest and depth.
13. The golf course was challenging with its many hillocks and water traps.
14. The sheep grazed peacefully on the hillocks, barely noticing the passing hikers.
15. The soil in the garden was rocky and filled with hillocks, making it difficult to plant.
16. The hillocks were covered in colorful wildflowers, a stunning sight to behold.
17. The artist painted a landscape with rolling hillocks and a bright blue sky.
18. The archaeologist dug into the hillocks, uncovering artifacts from ancient civilizations.
19. The air was still and quiet, broken only by the sound of footsteps on the hillocks.
20. The children played games of tag on the hillocks, ducking and weaving through the grass.
21. The sun set behind the hillocks, casting a warm orange glow across the landscape.
22. The hillocks provided cover for the animals, allowing them to blend in with their surroundings.
23. The wild horses roamed free on the hillocks, their manes whipping in the wind.
24. The campers pitched their tents on the hillocks, enjoying the peaceful solitude.
25. The farmer used fertilizer to even out the hillocks in his field, ensuring a bountiful crop.
26. The hillocks were carved by ancient glaciers, a reminder of the area's geological past.
27. The children sat at the top of the hillocks, enjoying a picnic lunch in the sun.
28. The hillocks provided a natural amphitheater for the concert, with the music echoing through the valley.
29. The forest was filled with hillocks, creating a dense and varied ecosystem.
30. The travelers climbed the hillocks, their backpacks heavy with provisions for their journey.

Common Phases

1. The hillocks stretched out far into the distance; it was a sight to behold.
2. As I climbed over the hillocks, I couldn't help but feel exhilarated; the fresh air filled my lungs.
3. The hillocks were covered with lush green grass; it was a perfect spot for a picnic.
4. The sun was setting behind the hillocks; casting long shadows across the landscape.
5. From the top of the hillocks, I could see the entire valley; it was truly breathtaking.

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