Prominence example sentences

Related (18): notability, eminence, distinction, importance, visibility, renown, prestige, fame, standing, celebrity, popularity, reputation, status, power, influence, dominance, superiority, mastery.

"Prominence" Example Sentences

1. He attained great prominence in his field.
2. She has gained prominence as a leading activist.
3. The town achieved national prominence after the floods.
4. The issue gained prominence in the news media.
5. The monument stands in prominence in the city square.
6. The university enjoys prominence for its research programs.
7. The billboard stood in prominence along the highway.
8. The building stands in prominence in the city skyline.
9. The mountain towers in prominence over the landscape.
10. The statue occupies a place of prominence in the park.
11. The professor achieved prominence through his groundbreaking research.
12. She used the interview to gain public prominence.
13. The city's prominence comes from its heavy industry.
14. The brand has long held prominence in the industry.
15. The brand enjoys prominence among luxury automakers.
16. The actress rose to prominence in the 1990s.
17. The athlete gained prominence after winning gold medals.
18. She gained prominence through her prolific writing.
19. The hospital achieved prominence for its innovative treatments.
20. The scholar achieved prominence in academia for his theories.
21. The singer rose to prominence with his hit singles.
22. The author gained prominence for her bestselling novel.
23. His political prominence grew after being elected to Congress.
24. The architecture of the building gives it prominence in the cityscape.
25. The NGO has achieved prominence for its humanitarian efforts.
26. The advertising agency enjoys prominence among major brands.
27. The university has developed prominence for its selective admissions.
28. The lobby group achieved prominence with its successful campaign.
29. The city achieved prominence for its booming industrial sector.
30. The place he holds within the company gives him prominence.
31. Her prominence in the field is derived from her highly cited publications.
32. He gained prominence by defeating the reigning champion.
33. Her piece earned prominence for drawing attention to an issue.
34. The progress made under his leadership gave the company prominence.
35. The tall spire gives the church prominence in the city's skyline.
36. The sculpture occupies a position of prominence in the main square.
37. The author achieved prominence with the success of her second novel.
38. The company rose to prominence due to its innovative products.
39. The start-up quickly gained prominence thanks to viral marketing.
40. The analysis gained prominence in policy circles.
41. The product gained prominence due to its superior quality.
42. The monument takes prominence on the city's skyline.
43. The brand rose to prominence with a series of successful ad campaigns.
44. The hotel enjoys prominence as the city's most luxurious.
45. Her bestselling book gained her prominence as an author.
46. The university enjoys international prominence for research.
47. The company enjoys prominence among Fortune 500 companies.
48. The bill's passage gave the issue new prominence in national debate.
49. His opinion pieces earned him prominence as a public intellectual.
50. The design of the building gives it visual prominence.
51. The cause achieved prominence through high-profile endorsements.
52. His mark on the team gave him great prominence as a player.
53. The plan earned prominence with bipartisan support.
54. The community's prominence comes from its skilled workforce.
55. The concert hall enjoys prominence for its world-class acoustics.
56. The peak rises in prominence above the surrounding mountains.
57. Their progressive messaging gave them prominence in the feminist movement.
58. The firm enjoys prominence in investment banking circles.
59. The poll results gave the issue new prominence in the public debate.
60. The arrangement gives the sculpture prominence in the atrium.

Common Phases

1. The building stands with prominence atop the hill.
2. His prominence as an entrepreneur continues to grow.
3. The statue was given prominence in the town square.
4. Her prominence as a civil rights leader was finally recognized.
5. The new smartphone commands prominence in the mobile market.
6. The Himalayas gain prominence on the horizon.
7. The skyscraper looms with prominence over the city skyline.
8. Everest gains prominence as the tallest mountain on Earth.
9. The Democrat's prominence in the polls has been declining.
10. The actor gained prominence for his performances on Broadway.
11. The explorers trekked across the landscape in search of a prominence.
12. His prominence as a cancer researcher earned him national recognition.
13. The flag of the nation was hoisted with prominence atop the flagpole.
14. Prominence in academia came late in his career.
15. His prominence as a theologian has diminished over time.
16. She gained prominence as a jazz singer in the 1930s.
17. The branded sign takes prominence above the storefront.
18. Her prominence as a feminist activist grew during the 1960s.
19. The star took prominence over Bethlehem at the time of Jesus' birth.
20. The speech took on new prominence in light of recent events.
21. The red dress gained prominence among the other items of clothing.
22. The artifact was given prominence within the museum exhibit.
23. The peak of the mountain stood in prominence against the morning sky.
24. The iconic quote gained prominence during the civil rights movement.
25. The research gained prominence in scientific journals around the world.
26. The candidate's prominence in early polls has faded.
27. The exhibit aims to give prominence to native artists.
28. Prominence in the court hierarchy took many years to achieve.
29. The building gains prominence from its unusual architectural design.
30. The logo gained instant prominence upon its launch.
31. The summit rises in prominence above the surrounding peaks.
32. His prominence among intellectuals has grown steadily.
33. The photo gained prominence on the cover of major newsweeklies.
34. The movie gained prominence for portraying social issues of the time.
35. Her prominence in the women's movement was short-lived.
36. The claim rose to prominence within scholarly debates.
37. His prominence as a leader declined quickly after the scandal.
38. The sculpture was given prominence within the garden's design.
39. The theory gained prominence within academic circles.
40. The celebrity couple gained prominence for their charitable donations.
41. The district gained prominence for its revolutionary curriculum.
42. The artifact was given prominence in the museum after its rediscovery.
43. The issue gained prominence in political debates last election cycle.
44. She gained prominence in the competitive tech world for her innovation.
45. The poem gained prominence during the Romantic era.
46. The peak rises in prominence above the surrounding terrain.
47. His prominence within the university has diminished in recent years.
48. The ancient relic was given prominence within the temple.
49. The findings gained prominence in scientific journals around the globe.
50. The proposal rose to prominence amid the policy debates.
51. The feature gains prominence on the new redesigned website.
52. The tower stands in prominence over the town.
53. The documentary rose to prominence for exposing social injustices.
54. French cuisine gained prominence around the world during the 19th century.
55. The sculpture was positioned to gain prominence in the gallery's layout.
56. Her prominence as an activist declined after graduation.
57. The gravesite was given prominence within the cemetery's boundaries.
58. The summit gained prominence as the tallest point for miles.
59. His prominence as an economist has grown over the last decade.
60. The myth gained prominence during the classical era of ancient Greece.

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