Hoaxer example sentences

Related (4): trickster, fraudster, deceiver, charlatan

"Hoaxer" Example Sentences

1. The police found out that the bomb threat was made by a notorious hoaxer.
2. The hoaxer spread false news about a celebrity's death just to gain attention.
3. The internet is filled with hoaxers who create fake information for their own amusement.
4. The hoaxer's plan to make people believe that aliens have invaded Earth failed miserably.
5. The hoaxer made up a story about a haunted house and convinced people to stay away from it.
6. The government is taking legal action against the hoaxer who spread fake news about the pandemic.
7. The hoaxer was arrested and charged with creating a false emergency to waste police resources.
8. The hoaxer's intention was to create chaos and panic among the public.
9. The school authorities are investigating the hoaxer who sent a fake threat letter.
10. The hoaxer's motive was to create fear and confusion among the public.
11. The hoaxer was caught red-handed while spreading misinformation on social media.
12. The media is cautious about false information and tries not to promote hoaxer's work.
13. The hoaxer's intention was to tarnish the reputation of a famous company by spreading false news.
14. The hoaxer created a fake identity and spread false accusations against an innocent person.
15. Many people fall prey to the hoaxer's tactics due to their lack of awareness.
16. The hoaxer's work can have serious implications for society if not dealt with seriously.
17. Despite warnings, some people still fall for the hoaxer's tricks and share false information.
18. The hoaxer's actions were deemed dangerous and irresponsible.
19. The hoaxer's motive was to create a sensation and gain fame through their work.
20. The hoaxer's goal was to deceive people and gain their trust before spreading misinformation.
21. The hoaxer's work was criticized by many for its lack of authenticity and accountability.
22. The media's insistence on verifying information before publishing work as a deterrence to hoaxers.
23. The hoaxer's actions can have severe consequences and impact on people's lives.
24. The hoaxer was exposed when their lies were caught and proved false.
25. The hoaxer's actions amount to a serious breach of public trust and safety.
26. The hoaxer's work is a reflection of how misinformation can spread rapidly without verification.
27. The community was relieved to know that the hoaxer's threat was not real and no one was harmed.
28. The hoaxer's attempts to create a social disturbance were thwarted by the timely intervention of authorities.
29. The hoaxer's work was debunked by experts and their fake claims were exposed.
30. The hoaxer's actions were condemned by people and authorities alike for the damage caused by their work.

Common Phases

not repeat; Spread misinformation; Deceive others; Manipulate the truth; Falisfy evidence; Mislead the public; Fabricate stories; Pull pranks; Create fake news; Trick people; Misrepresent facts.

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