Hollowed example sentences

Related (7): carved, scooped, excavated, emptied, gouged, cored, denuded

"Hollowed" Example Sentences

1. The cave had large hollowed-out areas where bats slept.
2. The tree hollow had been hollowed out by woodpeckers.
3. The log had been hollowed out over the years by termites.
4. The pumpkin was hollowed out to make a Jack-o-lantern for Halloween.
5. The carved mask had a hollowed-out face to fit over someone's features.
6. The thieves had hollowed out the walls of the safe to access the jewels inside.
7. The acorn cups had been hollowed out by oak gall wasps.
8. He hollowed a reed and blew into it, creating music.
9. The river had hollowed out grooves in the rock over millennia.
10. Her eyes seemed hollowed out and devoid of any joy.
11. His cheeks had hollowed and his frame lost weight since his wife died.
12. The wars had hollowed out many families and villages.
13. The apple had been hollowed out by larvae and was rotten inside.
14. The surf had hollowed out arches in the cliffside.
15. The eyes had been hollowed out, giving the mask a eerie look.
16. The statue's eyes had been hollowed out, making it look sad and forlorn.
17. The winds had hollowed out caves in the soft rock of the cliff face.
18. The boy hollowed out an acorn cap to use as a tiny bucket.
19. The waves had hollowed out an archway in the rock.
20. Years of smoking had hollowed out his lungs and strained his heart.
21. The stem of the pipe had been hollowed out and sealed at one end.
22. The ritual knife had a hollowed-out handle to hide sacred spices.
23. The reeds had been hollowed out to serve as drinking straws.
24. The thief had hollowed out the book to hide his stolen loot.
25. The chill had hollowed out his cheeks and weighed heavy on his bones.
26. The long siege had hollowed out both sides, leaving them weary survivors.
27. The pain had hollowed her out, making a shell of who she had once been.
28. The spear shaft had been hollowed out to reduce its weight.
29. The tree had a large hollow that had been hollowed out by termites.
30. The fruit had a hollowed out center rotten with decay.
31. The reefs had been carved and hollowed by the relentless waves.
32. The wolf's howl seemed to hollow out his soul.
33. Sorrows had hollowed out his heart until little remained.
34. The surf had hollowed out a recess in the base of the sea cliff.
35. The bowl had been hollowed out of the block of elm.
36. The wind had hollowed out caves and overhangs in the soft sandstone cliffs.
37. He hollowed out a notch in the bark to place the sap collecting bucket.
38. The waves had hollowed out deep niches in the cliffside.
39. The oak had been hollowed out by insects until was just a shell of its former self.
40. The years had hollowed out his cheeks and weighed heavy on his frame.
41. The famine had hollowed out the village, leaving only ghosts behind.
42. The intense drought had hollowed out the landscape and left only dusty ruins.
43. The acorn cups had been hollowed out by caterpillars using them for shelters.
44. Grief seemed to have hollowed her out, leaving little but a fragile shell.
45. The fruits had been hollowed out by larvae and were not edible.
46. The fluid had begun to hollow out the rock, creating the geode.
47. The ocean had hollowed out the cliffs over millennia.
48. The dead don't come back the same, they return hollowed out and empty.
49. The pickaxe had a hollowed-out area at one end to provide more weight.
50. His loneliness had hollowed him out until little remained.
51. The winds and waves had hollowed out depressions in the cliff faces.
52. Wisdom is often bought at a price that hollows out a person.
53. Time had hollowed out the cabin, leaving only broken beams and holes.
54. The depression had hollowed him out and left a mere shell of who he once had been.
55. The pole had been hollowed out to reduce its weight.
56. The woodpeckers had hollowed out several holes in the tree trunk.
57. The rock had been hollowed out from years of erosion by wind and water.
58. The years had hollowed her out, leaving little more than dry bones and dusty memories.
59. The years had hollowed out the landscape, leaving only ruins in its wake.
60. The hurricane had hollowed out neighborhoods and left devastation in its path.

Common Phases

eyes hollowed out - Used to describe eyes that appear sunken and devoid of life.
cheeks hollowed out - Having sunken cheeks, often due to illness, stress or malnutrition.
heart hollowed out - Having one's emotions and life drained out, leaving one feeling empty inside.
a hollowed out shell - Something that still exists in form but has lost its substance, essence or meaning.
hollowed out cave/recess/niche - An opening that has been formed by erosion or hollowing over time.
hallowed halls - Revered or sacred places that are respected and honored.
hallowed ground - Land that is regarded as sacred due to historical or religious significance.
a hollowed out log - A log that has been emptied of its contents through decay or carving.
a hollowed tree - A tree that has lost its inner wood through insect activity or decay.
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