Scoot example sentences

Related (9): skedaddle, zip, dart, whisk, hurry, dash, scurry, scamper, shuffle

"Scoot" Example Sentences

1. Scoot over, I want to sit next to you.
2. Scoot that chair closer so we can all see.
3. The kids were scooting down the hallway on their roller skates.
4. Scoot your chair in so I have more room at the table.
5. Scoot the papers to the side, I need some space to work.
6. I had to scoot past the other customers to get to the counter.
7. The kitten was scooting around the living room chasing dustballs.
8. Scoot your foot, you're kicking me under the table!
9. She scooted across the floor on her knees to pick up the ball.
10. Scoot to the left, I need room on that side of the booth.
11. The dog was scooting across the kitchen floor excitedly.
12. I tried to scoot by him in the hallway but he was taking up the whole space.
13. Scoot your chair back from the table, you're too close.
14. Scoot over on the bench so I have space to sit down.
15. The puppy scooted around the living room zooming her toy.
16. Scoot left so I can squeeze my chair in between you two.
17. He scooted his chair back abruptly, startling me.
18. I had to scoot around people sitting on the floor at the party.
19. The kids were trying to scoot down the hall on their school supplies.
20. Scoot yourself to the left so I can get by you.
21. The happy puppy was scooting around excitedly chasing her tail.
22. Scoot your backpack over by your feet, it's taking up too much room.
23. The raccoon was scooting across the barn roof on all fours.
24. Scoot by him on the left, he's blocking the whole hallway.
25. They were scooting down the hill seated on flattened cardboard boxes.
26. Scoot into the middle so I can sit on the edge.
27. I tried to scoot past the students sitting on the floor in the hallway.
28. She scooted her chair away from the table so she could stretch out her legs.
29. Scoot your purse under the table, you're taking up the whole seat.
30. Scoot to the right and let me squeeze in between you.
31. The puppy was scooting around the kitchen floor excitedly.
32. Scoot your chair in, you're sticking out into the aisle.
33. The little girl scooted across the floor on her knees.
34. Scoot all the way to the right, there's room for two more.
35. The kids were scooting down the hall on their socks.
36. Scoot closer to the wall, I need more space at the table.
37. The puppy was scooting around the living room happily zooming her favorite toy.
38. Scoot over to make room for the rest of our group.
39. The children were scooting across the classroom floor on their chairs.
40. Scoot over on the couch and let me sit next to you.
41. The kitten was scooting around the living room in hot pursuit of a piece of string.
42. Scoot your chair in a bit more, you're over the line.
43. They were scooting down the hill seated on cafeteria trays.
44. Scoot yourself and that chair over, you're in the way.
45. The puppy was scooting around the kitchen excitedly in search of dropped food.
46. Scoot all the way to the left, there's room for a few more people.
47. Scoot your backpack under the table, it's blocking the aisle.
48. The raccoon was scooting across the deck railing in the dark.
49. Scoot your chair up against the table so others can fit.
50. The toddler was scooting across the living room floor on his bottom.

Common Phases

1. Scoot over, I want to sit next to you.
2. The dog was eager to scoot outside.
3. The girl scooted her chair closer to the boy.
4. Scoot along, make some room for me on the bench.
5. The mouse scooted across the floor and into its hole.
6. Scoot your plate over so I can sit down.
7. The scooter zoomed past, scooting through the park.
8. You'll have to scoot quickly to catch the bus.
9. Scoot down the hill on your sled.
10. After dinner, the kids scooted outside to play.
11. The little boy scooted up to his mom on the couch.
12. Scoot to the end so we both fit on this tiny bench.
13. The toddler scooted across the kitchen floor on his belly.
14. Scoot over here so I can help you with your homework.
15. Scoot your chair back under the table when you're done eating.
16. The surfer scooted across the waves while standing on his board.
17. Scoot to the side, there's not enough room for both of us here.
18. The cat scooted under the bed to hide from the vacuum cleaner.
19. Scoot your boots out of the walkway, you'll trip someone!
20. He scooted his plate aside so he could rest his elbows on the table.
21. Scoot back, you're too close to the edge of that cliff.
22. The hamster scooted around in his plastic ball.
23. The girl scooted across the room in her roller skates.
24. Scoot all the way into the corner of the booth to make more room.
25. The motorcycle scooted past the slower moving cars on the highway.
26. Scoot your chair up to the table and join us for lunch.
27. The child scooted into her mother's lap to hear a bedtime story.
28. Scoot down the firepole and meet me outside.
29. Scoot over a little, you're hogging the whole couch!
30. The toddler scooted along behind his parents as they walked.
31. Scoot your shoes out of the walkway before someone trips on them.
32. Can you scoot your diary and crayons over to your side of the table?
33. The mouse scooted across the kitchen floor in search of crumbs.
34. Scoot over into the middle seat so your dad can sit on the end.
35. Scoot under the table, here comes the inspector!
36. The older sister scooted the little girl's hair out of her face.
37. Scoot over to the side, make some room for me on this stump.
38. The lawnmower scooted across the grass cutting the blades short.
39. Scoot your backpack out of the aisle before class starts.
40. I'll scoot over to make room for you on this crowded bus.
41. The skateboarder scooted along the sidewalk performing tricks.
42. Scoot your toys into the box before you go to bed.
43. Scoot closer, I can't hear you over the chatter in the café.
44. The toddler scooted across the floor on his bottom.
45. The hamster scooted through his plastic maze in search of treats.
46. Scoot up to the table and have some breakfast with us.
47. Scoot your toys under your bed before mom sees the mess!
48. The motorcycle scooted down the back roads taking in the scenery.
49. Scoot over so I can squeeze in beside you on this tiny chair.
50. The scooter zoomed past kids, scooting through the park.
51. I'll scoot over to the other side of the bench so you can sit down.
52. Scoot up next to me so we can both watch the parade.
53. The kid scooted down the slide with his arms out to the sides.
54. Scoot over to the left side of the bus so others can board.
55. Scoot all the way into the corner of the booth to make room for him.
56. Scoot your socks into the hamper before they trip someone up.
57. The toddler on his stomach scooted across the room towards his toy.
58. Scoot closer to the fire, it's chilly tonight.
59. The mouse scooted between the cupboards looking for crumbs.
60. Scoot your papers over, I need to use some of this desk.

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