Homocercal example sentences

Related (5): lobefin, heterocercal, symmetrical, fish, vertebrate.

"Homocercal" Example Sentences

1. The homocercal tails of fish enable them to move swiftly through the water.
2. The evolution of homocercal tails in fish occurred over millions of years.
3. Homocercal fins allow fish to perform nimble maneuvers underwater.
4. The body shape of a fish with a homocercal tail is often streamlined.
5. The homocercal tail of the shark helps it to propel itself through the water.
6. The homocercal tail of the tuna makes it an exceptionally fast swimmer.
7. Fish with homocercal tails can swim in a straight line without much effort.
8. A good example of a fish with a homocercal tail is the perch.
9. The homocercal tail is one of the defining characteristics of bony fish.
10. Fish with homocercal tails tend to be more efficient swimmers than those with heterocercal tails.
11. The homocercal tail gives fish greater control over their movements in the water.
12. The presence of a homocercal tail is one way to distinguish between different species of fish.
13. Fish with homocercal tails often have small dorsal fins.
14. The homocercal tail is believed to have evolved from a heterocercal tail in early fish.
15. The homocercal tails of some fish can be quite large and powerful.
16. The ability to swim efficiently with a homocercal tail is crucial for many fish species.
17. Fish with homocercal tails tend to have a more symmetrical body shape.
18. A homocercal tail allows fish to make quick turns and changes in direction.
19. The homocercal tail of the swordfish is particularly impressive.
20. Scientists believe that the homocercal tail contributed to the evolutionary success of fish.
21. Homocercal tails have evolved independently in several species of fish.
22. The homocercal tail is also known as a symmetrical tail.
23. Fish with homocercal tails use less energy to swim than those with heterocercal tails.
24. The presence of a homocercal tail is one way to determine the age of a fish.
25. Homocercal tails are found in both freshwater and saltwater fish.
26. Fish with homocercal tails are often able to swim faster and farther than those without.
27. A homocercal tail enables fish to maintain a stable position in the water.
28. The homocercal tail is an essential adaptation for fish living in fast-moving water.
29. Most fish with homocercal tails are carnivorous.
30. The homocercal tail is a key feature of many commercially important fish species.

Common Phases

1. The homocercal fins of the fish allowed for improved swimming efficiency;
2. The homocercal tail proved advantageous for stability during movement in water;
3. The symmetry of the homocercal caudal fin provided the fish with enhanced control in turbulent water;
4. Species with homocercal fins tend to be more streamlined and agile in water;
5. The evolutionary development of the homocercal tail was a significant adaptation for ancestral aquatic species.

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