"Honeybee" Example Sentences
1. The honeybee is a highly organized insect that plays a crucial role in pollinating crops.
2. I heard a buzzing sound and realized a honeybee had flown into the room.
3. Honeybees are known for making delicious honey by collecting nectar from flowers.
4. The honeybee's striped body is a characteristic feature that differentiates it from other insects.
5. The honeybee population is declining due to factors such as pesticide use and habitat loss.
6. A colony of honeybees can consist of up to 60,000 individuals during the summer.
7. The honeybee's stinger is a defense mechanism that can be fatal to humans if they are allergic.
8. During the winter months, honeybees huddle together to maintain warmth and conserve energy.
9. The incredible navigation skills of the honeybee allow it to find its way back to the hive from several miles away.
10. Honeybees are social insects that communicate with each other through a dance language.
11. The nectar collected by honeybees is enzymatically converted into honey, which has antibacterial properties.
12. Honeybees have been known to remember faces of humans who have interacted with them, and later approach them with curiosity.
13. The reduction in honeybee population is a cause for concern as it can impact food production and ecosystem health.
14. The honeybee is the state insect of several states in the United States, including Georgia and Arkansas.
15. Many beekeepers raise honeybees for their honey production and to help sustain their population.
16. Certain types of flowers attract honeybees due to their color, fragrance, and nectar content.
17. Beeswax, also produced by honeybees, is used in cosmetics, candles, and even surfboard wax.
18. The organized structure of a honeybee hive includes hundreds of hexagonal cells for storing honey, pollen, and brood.
19. The harvesting of honey from honeybee hives dates back to ancient times and has been a valuable food source for humans.
20. Scientists are studying the genes of honeybees to understand their behavior and how to improve their resistance to diseases.
21. The honeybee is capable of flying up to 15 mph, making it one of the fastest flying insects.
22. Honeybees have a unique system of thermoregulation, which allows them to maintain a constant temperature within their hive.
23. The queen honeybee plays a vital role in laying eggs that hatch into workers, drones, and future queens.
24. The waggle dance of honeybees communicates the direction and distance of food sources to other bees in the hive.
25. The stinger of a honeybee is barbed, which means it gets stuck in the victim's skin and causes the bee to die.
26. The honeybee is deeply embedded in many cultures around the world, symbolizing diligence, community, and sweetness.
27. The decline in honeybee population has led to the creation of organizations and campaigns to raise awareness and support for conservation efforts.
28. The honeybee's eyes are able to detect ultraviolet light, which enables them to locate flowers and other bees more effectively.
29. Honeybees have been known to swarm, which is when a large number of bees leave the hive in search of a new one.
30. The buzzing of honeybees is a calming sound for some people and is even used as a form of therapy known as apitherapy.
Common Phases
- The
honeybee is a crucial pollinator for many crops;
Honeybees are social insects that live in hives;
Honeybees communicate with each other through dance;
- The
honeybee's honey is a natural sweetener;
Honeybees play an important role in the ecosystem;
- The decline of
honeybee populations is a cause for concern.