Hoots example sentences

Related (5): owl, laughter, honks, cheers, ribbits

"Hoots" Example Sentences

1. She heard hoots coming from the owl in the tree.
2. I couldn't help but burst into hoots of laughter at his joke.
3. The sound of hoots echoed through the forest at night.
4. We heard hoots coming from the barn owl that was perched on a fence post.
5. The hoots of the train whistle could be heard miles away.
6. She gave a few hoots on her car horn to get the attention of her friend.
7. I heard the hoots of a great horned owl outside my window last night.
8. The crowd erupted into hoots and cheers when the band started playing their favorite song.
9. The hoots and cackles coming from the haunted house gave me chills.
10. The teacher was not amused by the hoots and laughter coming from the back of the classroom.
11. It took a few hoots from his brass whistle to get the attention of the marching band.
12. The hoots and howls of the coyotes could be heard in the distance.
13. As soon as the comedian came on stage, the audience erupted in hoots and applause.
14. I hear hoots coming from the trees, indicating the presence of an owl.
15. The hoots and whistles of the steam engine filled the air as it pulled into the station.
16. The sound of hoots and cheers filled the arena as the athlete crossed the finish line.
17. The hoots of the car horn woke me up from my nap.
18. The raucous hoots coming from the crowd were almost deafening.
19. The deep hoots of the ship's horn signaled our arrival into the harbor.
20. The audience let out a few hoots and whistles when the magician performed his trick successfully.
21. The hoots of the night owl echoed through the forest as we hiked through the woods.
22. I couldn't help but let out a few hoots at the ridiculousness of the situation.
23. The hoots and cheers from the fans filled the stadium after the team won the championship.
24. A few hoots of encouragement from the coach helped the team push through to their victory.
25. The sound of hoots and laughter echoed down the hallway as the group of friends chatted.
26. The silence was shattered by a few hoots of surprise when the surprise guest arrived.
27. He gave a few hoots to get the attention of his dog who was trotting away.
28. The hoots from the other team's fans were quickly drowned out by the cheers from our own fans.
29. The hoots and hollers coming from the bar could be heard from down the street.
30. The deep hoots of the ship's fog horn warned of the rocks ahead.

Common Phases

1. Hoot hoot!
2. Who hoo!
3. Hootie hoo!
4. Hoo hoo hoo!
5. Hooooooot!

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