Hopscotched example sentences

Related (10): jumped, hopped, skipped, leapt, bounded, vaulted, danced, pranced, gambolled, frolicked

"Hopscotched" Example Sentences

1. Sharon hopscotched across the playground with ease.
2. The children had hopscotched their way up the steep hill.
3. The rain hopscotched across the windshield as we drove through the storm.
4. The runner hopscotched over the hurdles with finesse.
5. The dancer hopscotched across the stage in a flurry of movement.
6. The board game hopscotched from player to player throughout the night.
7. The insect hopscotched from one flower to the next, collecting nectar.
8. The stock market hopscotched in response to the latest news.
9. The enemy army hopscotched along the border, causing unrest.
10. The fire hopscotched from building to building, leaving destruction in its wake.
11. The story hopscotched between different time periods, keeping the audience engaged.
12. The artist hopscotched between different mediums, creating masterpieces with each one.
13. The athlete hopscotched her way to the finish line, barely breaking a sweat.
14. The adventurer hopscotched across the stepping stones, avoiding the crocodiles in the river.
15. The car hopscotched across the potholes in the road, jostling the passengers inside.
16. The musician hopscotched through various genres of music, exploring new sounds.
17. The politician hopscotched from one campaign stop to the next, rallying supporters.
18. The scientist hopscotched from one lab to the next, conducting groundbreaking research.
19. The student hopscotched through different subjects, trying to find her passion.
20. The clouds hopscotched across the sky, casting shadows on the ground below.
21. The writer hopscotched through different perspectives to tell a complex story.
22. The ship hopscotched across the ocean, stopping at different ports along the way.
23. The airplane hopscotched from one airport to the next, taking passengers to their destinations.
24. The play hopscotched through different scenes, building up to the climax.
25. The construction crew hopscotched across the building site, completing different tasks.
26. The food truck hopscotched through different neighborhoods, serving up delicious meals.
27. The fashion designer hopscotched through different inspirations, creating stunning collections.
28. The musician hopscotched between different instruments during the performance, showing off his skills.
29. The filmmaker hopscotched through different shots and angles, capturing the perfect scene.
30. The surfer hopscotched across the waves, riding them like a pro.

Common Phases

1. I hopscotched my way across the pavement; the stones felt cool against my bare feet.
2. She hopscotched through the maze of people in the busy train station; her eyes scanning for her friend.
3. The bird hopscotched along the branches of the tree; chirping happily to itself.
4. He hopscotched over the puddles on the path; trying to keep his shoes dry.
5. The children hopscotched in the school playground; their laughter filling the air.
6. She hopscotched past the long line of traffic; grateful for her bike's agility.
7. The grasshopper hopscotched from one blade of grass to another; searching for a juicy leaf.
8. He hopscotched across the stepping stones in the river; the water rushing beneath his feet.

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